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The following day Isaac went over earlier to Jacob's. He knocked on the door and Nick opened.

"It's your house too no need to press the buzzer" he handed Isaac a set of keys." The code is 181817. " Isaac took the keys. "Thanks" he let out "come we have a meeting in the study" Isaac followed him and paused when he saw Jacob and the other hunters there including Olivia talking to another woman. Her face lit up when she saw him.

"Erastus is always alone. He doesn't seem to have much contact with his pack"

"It's not his pack anymore. Maybe we are following the wrong wolf" they glanced at Isaac who shrugged.

"Isaac doesn't know anything" Nick interrupted.

"What you vouch for him now?"

"I vouch for my son, yes" they didn't seem much shocked like they all knew prior.

Nick opened his drawer and a briefcase with a syringe, in it a green liquid.

"This is the future" he said "this is the cure that will make every wolf and every vampire human again. It breaks down cell structure making them normal again"

"Does it work?"

Nick snorted at Isaac's question and nodded. He opened his laptop and pulled up a video of a lab. There were doctors in their operating shrubs and a man strapped on a hospital bed.

"This was recorded last week. The patient is a volunteer werewolf"

Isaac watched intensely. The werewolf seemed to be heavily sedated. One of the doctors injected a green liquid in his neck causing the man to experience a series convulsions in which he changed to wolf form and back until he remained human. Nick paused the video and looked at Isaac.

Isaac swallowed hard. He felt Olivia grabbing his hands.

"It's amazing isn't it" she whispered "we should have an equal chance. One race should not be superior" she squeezed his hand and he glanced at her. She smiled. She was a pretty girl and seemed like she had a lot more to offer than her body she keeps flaunting around. He realized she was still holding his hand and he pulled his hand lose.

After everyone have left the study, Nick unpaused the video. The man on the stretcher pulled himself lose exposing his wolf teeth. He trashed the room turning the bed upside down as he yelled then he sank to his knees and even though the video was inaudible the horrid pain on his face was unmistakable. Nick closed his laptop and sat back in his chair. Nothing came easy and sometimes sacrifices had to be made. He was no stranger to making sacrifices for what he believed in.

Later in the evening Isaac found himself drinking and dancing in the living room filled with people he didn't know. He did not notice Alex had arrived until Jacob tapped him in the shoulder. He sauntered over to her smiling even though she seemed upset.

"You're drunk" she stated the obvious. He tried his best to compose himself. His smile curved one side.

"Not that drunk" he let out, his eyes drinking in the vision of her and as much as Alex hate to admit it, drunk Isaac was a turn on. He wasn't afraid to show how he felt and to prove it he cupped her chin in one hand and planted a feverish kiss on her lips.

"Do you want to see my room" he whispered in her ear in a deep voice that sent shivers down her spine and before she could answer he laced his fingers in hers and took her upstairs to his room. He locked the door and kissed her walking them backwards. She gasped when she landed on his bed. He pulled his t-shirt over his head and bend down kissing her with the same fever as before. He pulled her t-shirt over her head before she could protest and as they made out he fumbled with her jeans. When the zipper gave she pushed him off. He looked confused at her. As hot and sexy as drunk Isaac was she was planning on losing her virginity that way.

"You still want to don't you" he confirmed.

She nodded

"But not like this" she replied

He snorted and pulled on his t-shirt

"What is your problem?!Then you want then you don't!"

His face distorted. It was a side of him that was new to her.

"Well I don't want it with you intoxicated like this" she cut back

She got up and left passing Olivia in the hall.

"So you saw his room too" she mocked

Alex bit down on her lips and the words she wanted to say

"Stay away from him" she let out

"Or what, what will you do?"

Alex bit her lips again.

"You can't do anything to me." Olivia let out victorious "Your boyfriend and Jacob will never forgive you. Blood is thicker than water"

Alex left thinking if the blood she shared with Isaac was enough, enough to save their relationship and enough to bring the old Isaac back.

Isaac drank some more then Olivia followed him to his room and threw herself at him. She planted kisses on his lips and he pushed her away. She lay next to him passed out and put his hand over her waist.


Isaac and Alex - Book 2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant