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Isaac woke up earlier than usual in his bed at the Ezras. He had another sleepless night. He have been having them often since Alex left and he lay awake until the sun came up. He tried to go on like he was okay but deep down he still hated himself. He had not been to his father's house for quite a while now. He did not want to drive past the house from which Alex used to look out of the window. He made excuses to go to Erastus' but really he did not want to be reminded of the bed he made out with Alex. And so he avoided everything that reminded him of her except Jacob who was after all his brother. He would drown himself in alcohol and let Olivia throw herself at him but it only made him feel like shit the next day.

Isaac went to the training room even before the sun came up and saw the wall looking uneven. He found the wall slightly ajar and walked into a hallway. He slowly walked down the hall and opened the door at the far end of the hall where he found lycan and vampire bodies laid out on the floor. Isaac sucked in his breath as his eyes widened searching for familiar faces. He sighed relieved when he could not find any. He accidently kicked a syringe with green liquid in it. The same green liquid that was supposed to make vampires and werewolves human again. He picked it up for closer inspection. Just then he heard voices in the training room. He scanned the room he was in and hid behind an old cabinet. He crouched down low as he peeped behind the corner.

The door opened and Isaac heard Nick's voice.

"Well we know the drug does what it's supposed to" he let out pleased "We can't have these abominations running around this town"

He kicked the nearest body to make sure it was not moving.

"What about Isaac?" Eric asked concerned. Nick snorted.

"Leave him to me" he replied and they left.

Isaac got out from his hiding place. His heart beating faster and he thought of Erastus. Surely Mr Amunyela would know what to do. He is the real Alpha not Isaac. Isaac cursed himself for letting his pack down. He was trying to live a life that was not his and he would never fit in. He was stupid to believe that the people responsible for killing his father and almost himself in the process would change and accept him. They tried to kill Alex in the process. His biological father was nothing but just a name. He was so stupid to think that he belonged there.

Isaac rushed out of the training room and back inside the house. In his room he dialled Erastus' number a couple of times but it just went straight to voicemail. He dressed and on the dresser he took the keys to Scott's car instead. He drove off heading straight for the gym. He flung open the doors panting. Then he sighed relieved when he saw Erastus looking all sweaty as he packed his duffel bag. Isaac glanced around and let out another sigh of relief when he saw no one else. Erastus lifted his eyebrows as he looked at Isaac.

"You okay?" He asked.

Isaac snorted and smiled nodding his head.

"Yeah" he replied "But I have to tell you. Nick Ezra is not who I thought he was-"

Suddenly the doors burst open and a few men with guns burst inside. Both Erastus and Isaac held up their hands as they looked with wide eyes at the hunters. Then Nick Ezra stepped forward slowly followed by Eric pointing a gun at them. Nick smiled slightly and stopped when he was close enough to see the expression on their faces clearly.

Isaac swallowed hard as he scanned his father's face but he couldn't see what he saw before. He couldn't see the sparkle and the guilt of neglect which only meant he pretended all this time to gain Isaac's trust and Isaac was stupid enough to fall for it. Isaac snorted as he cursed himself.

"You could have been a son I wanted you to be, if only you were human" Nick said as he eyes darted over Isaac in disgust.

Isaac snorted and shook his head. Then he frowned.

"I am more human than you will ever be"

Nick snorted and then glanced at Erastus.

"Take him away" he let out. The next moment hunters surrounded Erastus and grabbed his upper arms pulling at him.

"No!" Isaac yelled but he was pulled back by more hunters.

Erastus shrugged himself lose. He threw his head back and growled. Isaac instantly copied him but then he felt a needle in his neck. He shrugged lose an arm and pulled out a dart with an empty syringe. He glanced over at Erastus falling to the floor, the same dart protruding from his neck. Isaac looked at Erastus being dragged away before everything faded to black in front of him.

Alex jolted and sat up straight. She touched her neck flinching at a sting in it. She felt uneasy and her thoughts wandered to Isaac. She tried to shake it off but the more she did the more she felt that something was wrong with him. She got up off her bed and searched the house until she found Lisa in the kitchen chopping vegetables. Lisa's eyes widened at the shocked look on Alex's  face.

"Something is wrong with Isaac" Alex let out breathlessly. She held her hand to her racing heart. " I have to go back"

Lisa nodded as she dropped the knife and pulled off her apron. Maybe she did it to please her and so bond with her either way Alex didn't care. She just knew she had to get to Isaac and her heart thudded all the way as Lisa was exceeding the speed limit glancing at her daughter concerned every now and then.

Once they entered the town Alex pointed towards the gym. The car barely stopped when the opened the door and rushed inside. She paused when she saw a body on the floor. She held both hands over her face. Her heart thudded and she let out a sob shaking her head once. She could deal with him being with someone else if it made him happy but she still could not live in a world without him because no matter what she would always love him.

"Isaac!" Alex cried out and rushed to his side. She rolled him on his back and hovered above him cupping his face in her hands. His beautiful face she came to love so much it hurt.

"Isaac" she cried out breathlessly as she pressed her lips against his.

Then he slowly opened his eyes.


Isaac and Alex - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now