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"Looks like we hunted you down, huh?"

Your body is frozen. All your good memories are flashing in your mind, my life is about to end tonight.

You let it sink in...my life is going to be diminished. No more work. No family. No air just blackness.

The back of your throat is making an inhuman noise, a long quiet scream for help. Your body catches up with your mind and you slam the door, backing away from it.

Fuck. Where do you go?

You scream when the door is busted open. You sprint into the kitchen, grabbing the nearest object which happened to be a pan. You hear a low chuckle. "A pan? You can do better than that, go on, grab the knife." Hoseok speaks, gesturing for you to grab it. The rest have surrounded the kitchen.

How the hell did they get out?

"What sick game are you playing!" You shout, holding the knife unskillfully in front of you, waving it from side to side to tell them to back off. They don't seem the slightest bit worried about your weapon. They could easily beat you with just their pinky finger. Now that scares you.

You're about to find out just what exactly they are capable of.

"We need to talk. It's up to you which way this goes. You could be dead on the ground...or you could come sit down with us." Namjoon licks his lips, cracking his knuckles.

"I'll take my chances."

Jimin laughs, holding his stomach. "Stupid, stupid girl."

You swallow down your fear, the knife quivering in your shaking hands.

You scan the room, counting the boys. 1,2,3,4,5... there should be six here...

You scream when a hand reaches out from behind you and clasps over your mouth. You act quickly and step on his foot, finishing with a kick to his groin.

"Shouldn't of done that." Jungkook steps toward you, he grabs the knife you dropped and throws it at you, it wedges in the wall beside your neck, the cold metal touching your skin, close to the scrape where he had cut you with the glass. You gasp and run as fast as you can to the back door.

They waste no time to chase after you, it's six against one and you're shit scared. But you are doing better than you anticipated. However your car is locked in the shed so that isn't an option, and there aren't neighbours for a couple hundred metres so you have no idea where to go.

You decide to keep running till you find somewhere to hide, they have to give up eventually, right?


You'd successfully found a place to hide, there was a large bush area behind your house and down a bit where you used to go for walks all the time, so you were familiar with the area, you found the river bank and the dip beside it.

You wasted no time and jumped down into it, it was cold and a bit damp, also terrifying as the sky was pitch black, only the slightest amount of light from the full moon.

You curled up into yourself, sniffling. You didn't want to die. You had barely lived your life.

Exhaustion took over your figure and you slept quietly.


The criminals had stopped searching, of course, they knew where you were, they weren't stupid. They literally watched your black shadow run and jump into the crevice.

They were walking along the river bank quietly to creep up on you. Yoongi and Jin leading, all smiles.

Jimin was humming, he had taken the knife from the wall and was twirling it in his hands, laughing when it cut his finger tip. He licked the red liquid from his skin and continued his humming.

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