El Primo x Reader (Old Friend, New Beauty) *Request*

Start from the beginning

"He...He used to have absolutely nothing. No family, no home, I was his only friend. One day he came running to me, happier than ever, with a piece of parchment in his hand. It was a wrestling poster, you used to be able to join for free back then. He looked at me with a gleam in his eye and said. 'This is it mi amigo! I'm going to profit from this one day!' I was so scared for him. He was so scrawny and thin, I was afraid he'd get himself killed but, I didn't discourage him. I smiled and put my hands on his shoulders and said 'You are one of the most hard-driven people I have ever met. I know you can do it. Go out there and shine as bright as the stars!" 

We heard the trunk slam shut from where the man was putting our luggage and he got in the drivers seat of the car. "What kind of music would you like?" Poco smiled at our driver, "Can you play some (favorite genre)? That's (Y/N)'s favorite." 

He looked back at us through his rear-view mirror. "Oh! My kid loves that stuff!" He then swiched the radio over to a channel that has all kinds of my favorite music. I could get used to this.

I leaned over to Poco talking quietly, "How long has it been since you've seen your friend?" He continued to look at his hands. "Maybe about... Let me think. He was fifteen when he went off on his own and now he's..." Poco counted to himself for a bit. Once he finished he looked up, horrified. "It's been thirteen years."

I was speechless. "Thirteen years?!" I shouted quietly, "You were able to remember that?!"

"We've been sending birthday cards and letters every year to each other ever since he left! Of course I would know that!" "So, you don't even know what he looks like?" "I do not. I hope I can find him, I know for a fact he'll be able to find me. I am a skeleton after all."

The car came to a stop, time really flew by in that conversation. "We have arrived!" Our driver hopped out and opened our door for us. Poco hopped out first and gasped. "(Y/N), you really want to see this." I slid to the open door and hopped out as well, I must have died at one point because this was fucking heaven!

We were standing face to face with a massive luxurious white house! It had a humongous lazy river that wrapped around the whole building and connected to different pools, leading to the inside of the home. There where over 8 balconies as far as I could count and had a large marble bridge that crossed over to the river to the home. There were palm trees all around the home and tons of white rose bushes that decorated the out side of the mansion.

"This is where you'll be staying." The man said. Our jaws dropped, Poco's actually fell and hit the floor."THIS is where WE are staying!?" "Indeed. Would you like for me to show you around?"

Poco managed to pop his jaw back into place. "I-I think we can find our way around. This is Primo's place!?" The man chuckled, "This is one of his many homes. He's staying in a house that is close to where the competition will be held." Poco was dumbstruck. "Many homes..."

We took our luggage and made our way inside. The interior floors were a dark oak wood and the wall's where the same as they were outside. there was a giant golden chandelier hanging above the common's area where there was a large fire place with soft, white sofas. Off to the side was the kitchen. The pantries were a white wood and the floor was complete marble and there was a wine rack lined across the wall.

"I can't believe this." I mumbled under my breath. "I'll will inform El Primo that our prized guests have arrived. If you need anything, we have these mobile touch screen phones you can use to call us and don't worry Mr. Poco Sir. Mr Primo made yours especially for you so only your hand's can use the device."

 Poco took the phone an examined it closely. The case was black with a gold rimming and a dark pink guitar on the back. Poco's name was engraved in gold in the corner of the case.

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