Konohamaru future

Start from the beginning

The image shifted to another Konohamaru. This one was quite a bit older than the previous one. He was in the Hokages office with Naruto.

"You wanted to see me?" Konohamaru raised an eyebrow.

"I think it's about time I retire from being Hokage." Naruto said.

"Why is that?" Konohamaru asked.

"Boruto might be getting married soon, and I don't know when Himawari will leave me too, considering almost every guy in the leaf is basically in love with her. I just want to spend as much time as I can with my children." Naruto explained.

"I understand that. My child hasn't even been born yet and I'm already being by at as much as I can." Konohamaru laughed.

"I remember when Hinata was pregnant. She was really moody and scary, but still the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I wanted to be with her and the baby every single second of the day." Naruto reminisced. (That took me forever to figure out to spell 😩 I had to look up synonyms for nostalgic to find it)

   "I love Hanabi." Konohamaru sighed.

"As I was saying before, I'm retiring from being Hokage and would like you to take over." Naruto smirked at Konohamaru's reaction.

"M-me?!" Konohamaru exclaimed.

"It was your dream as I recall. Of course you can always say no." Naruto shrugged.

"No! I would love to be Hokage! Thanks big brother Naruto!" Konohamaru grinned.

"Tell Hanabi congratulations for me." Naruto waved to Konohamaru as he hurried off to his wife.

The pregnancy was a huge deal not just because Hanabi is now the clan leader and now needs an heir. That is part of the reason, but the main one is because Hanabi and Konohamaru have been having real trouble with pregnancies.

This was the third pregnancy in their married life. The other two miss carried in the first trimester. No matter how much they tried they just couldn't get pregnant.

   "Hanabi." Konohamaru called.

   "In here." Hanabi said.

"What did the doctor say?" Konohamaru asked.

"That I have to be extra cautious, and I can't do anything that requires movement." Hanabi pouted.

"I can't believe Sakura kicked me out." Konohamaru sighed.

"You were being rather annoying. According to her you were being like Naruto." Hanabi laughed.

"Speaking of Naruto, when Sakura kicked me out I was told by someone that Naruto needed me for something." Konohamaru said.

"And?" Hanabi raised a brow.

"He's retiring from being Hokage, and wants me to take his place." Konohamaru grinned.

"Yay! I'm so proud of you!" Hanabi squealed.

The two continued to chat well into the night before finally calling it one.

It went dark again before they heard a baby's cry. "Please stop crying." Konohamaru begged. The baby was still in the hospital so it was probably just born.

"He's probably crying because he doesn't have a name." An irritated Hanabi huffed.

"I know you want to stick with the H names, but maybe we should try other names." Konohamaru suggested.

"How about Haku?" Hanabi asked ignoring her husband.

"Never liked that name." Konohamaru shook his head.

"How about Harry?" Konohamaru asked.

"Too plain." Hanabi cringed. "Oooh! I like Haruhi."

"Haruhi is a girls name." Konohamaru argued.

"It's a boys name too!" Hanabi defended.

"That's the worst boys name ever! What if we name him after my grandpa. Hiruzen Hyuga." Konohamaru grinned.

"That's... actually... not bad." Hanabi smiled.

"So we agree? He's little Hiruzen?" Konohamaru asked.

"Yeah." Hanabi's grin matched Konohamaru's. They looked like the perfect couple, and family.

They all opened their eyes to the present.

Word count: 1072

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