Chapter Three!!!!!!

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"I need you to be my wings," Maleficent says to Diaval.

He nods. "Find a man of the name Stephan" "Find out where he is and report back to me" Maleficent uses her powers and turns Diaval to a raven. He then flies to the castle. After a few hours, I try and start a conversation. "Maleficent?" I ask. "Yes, dear?" She says. "Do you believe in true love?" I ask. "No!" "We will not speak of true love" "it's all a lie" she yells. I put my head down. Diaval flies in through my cottage window. Maleficent turns him back into a human. "Why the yelling mistress?" Diaval asks glancing at my head bowed. "None of that" "What did you find out," she asks. "He is being crowned king" "The king is dying and has been told that he killed you," Diaval said.

"He took my wings for royalty!!" Maleficent screams throwing my favorite candy dish on the floor. Diaval slightly flinches. "I just got that" I mumble going to clean up the broken glass. Maleficent storms out of the cottage nearly breaking the front door. Diaval rushes to help me pick up the shards of glass. We both reached down at the same time having our hands slightly touch. We both blush. "Diaval!!" Maleficent yells for her winged friend. "Sorry m 'lady," he says to me. "It's quite alright pretty bird," I say. He half smiles walking out to Maleficent.

 "(Y/N) you too!" I hear her say.

 I hurry and finish picking up the last of the glass and walk out there. I see that Diaval and her are already 100 feet ahead of me, I do a spell which makes me phase in front of them. Diaval yelps and fall back frightened. "I'm so sorry," I say helping him up. "It's okay, you just gave a scare there' He says with a chuckle wiping himself off. I smile.

Hello lovely people, I'm so happy that I'm writing this for you guys. Please leave comments and votes. Give me feedback. Please do text me in DM. I'd love to talk with you all. Lol I'm very awkward please forgive me..<3

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