Chapter 17

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Maleficent needed to tell Diaval everything about (Y/N), time was running out. The beast that has been roaming the lands killed half the kingdoms men and Maleficent started to worry. Today was the day that she would tell the raven everything.

Maleficent found Diaval, and quickly sat him down. His eyes were black and had bags hanging from them. His hair was messy and his clothes were torn. He was an absolute wreck.

Maleficent laid her hand on his shoulder, "Diaval, how are you doing?"

He darkly chuckled looking down at his feet, "what does it look like mistress, I've given up. I hate to say it because I know (Y/N) would never give up but I'm tired. I tired of hurting".

Maleficents heart broke, "I have something to tell you".

Diaval looks up at Maleficent with a questionable look plastered on his face, "what is it mistress?"

"Have you heard about the beast?"

He gives her a confused look, "Yes, it's been killing and terrorizing the mortals. Why?"

Maleficent opens her mouth but no sound comes out. She doesn't know how to tell him. "Diaval, you have to trust me"

"Yes mistress".

Maleficent stands up, "Find the beast, and break its spell. It may be your only chance to be happy again".

Maleficent then flys away leaving a very confused bird. "What does that mean? Mistress!" Diaval called after her.

"What does she mean by that?"

Diaval thought long and hard about what Maleficent said to him. Millions of thing race through his head, but the one question that he keeps going back to is 'Why?' Why would Maleficent tell him to do such a dangerous act. What did the beast even look like? What powers did it possess. Why him.... And could he do it?

He was fed up with all his racing thoughts, frustrated, Diaval set out and tried finding the so call beast.

Super short chapter everyone I apologize lol I hope you all are having a wonderful day!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Next chapter is coming soon I promise!

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