Swinging a toy around his face his eyebrow raised seeing it from the corner of his eye.

Turning around quickly seeing you hanging upside down from a rope. A smile grew across his lips amused a feeling of excitement to see you.

"Mean old cat broke my mask. I had to get a new one."

You say like a child as you flip over and climb up the rope a bit to keep distance from him. Lucci grabbed the rope and stood on the rail. "I wanted to see my kittens face." He says with such a devilish smile it almost excited you. "Aaahh! So the mean old grumpy cat does know how to socialize with women. Tell me cat man. Are you dating the beautiful blond?"

Lucci gripped the rope tightly. "Why? Are you curious if I'm single?" He says with a wide grind curious to know if you are jealous despite it bothering him.

Chuckling you decide to tease him. "Well what if I'm interested in her?" You say confusing him but it seemed to bother him. "Clarify what you say kitten." He says growling not liking your teasing game.

(Oh what a beautiful dangerous creature he is. He excites me immensely. Exotic. So he is not dating my friend Kalifa. Makes this all the more exciting. What a dangerous game I'm playing.)

"So you are dating the beautiful blond. Why are you suddenly getting upset?"

Lucci growls yanking on the rope till it snaps and you fall on the deck floor. Quickly crawling on top of you his hands holding yours wrists down.

"No I am not. I'm not seeing anyone currently. Stop these stupid nugatory questions. I get upset on accusations. Besides, I'm not far apart of age from you."

His hand slid on your mask and you held your hand on his muscled shoulder that made you bite your lip. (Firm boi.)

He lifted up your mask revealing your lips, nose and a set of eyes that he visioned them as stars.

Tossing the mask aside his breathing began to increase as he was dazed on just wanting to kiss your lips. They seemed to have not been touched by anyone. They looked so welcoming to him so tasty that his own lips begin to itch for the feel.

Cuffing your cheek his thumb traced your bottom lip and without warning he stole them.

Killer on the same ship hidden in the shadows watches. (Oh shit!) He laughs softly behind the shadows. (I still don't trust him.) Killer watches Lucci's hands and every movement they make that just makes Killer lift his blades up in reflex.

"Watch where you touch."

Closing your eyes you never thought you'd experience such a burning feeling just from a wild kiss like this. Your first kiss!

Lucci hungrily devoured your tender lips his other hand slipping beneath your head to pull you close to deepen it.

It was so shattering for you so amazingly exciting but it was so beautiful and it felt perfect! Despite the taste of alcohol from his mouth everything just seemed so welcoming. Nothing else mattered at this point. It all felt so right.

Lucci parted to let you both catch your breath before he kept pecking at your lips till he devoured them again. His tongue dancing with yours not in search of dominance but in search of just tasting you. He is aware this is your first kiss and he wants it to hunt you to the point you will come back to him. "My kitten." He purrs out as he kisses your neck nibbling small places.

Whimpering from the way he says my kitten made you ache in a place you didn't think would be feeling the way it is now. What's even more exciting is knowing how dangerous this relationship is. At any moment he can chain you up making you a prisoner. But it all excited you.

Lucci X Yonko Reader (Completed)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin