Achille was showing so many expressions at once but I was so angry and hurt. I didn't even care what it was at this point.

"Darius are you okay-?"

"Of course I'm not okay! You broke my damn heart! Want me to leave you alone, then why are you still here? You got your key, now go!" I yell, shoving him back and slamming the door in his face.

Locking the door I lean against my door, throwing my hands over my face. Feeling tears begin to go down my face. Crying wasn't my favorite thing to do but I felt like it was needed at this point.

My heart was broken by the person I believed wouldn't break my heart. I told him my story and he told me his.

Who says for me to never leave them, but then he leaves me? I see now that I had this misconstrued image of him in my head.

Can't even tell me why he's leaving...

"What will I do without you Achille?" I mumble to myself, feeling my interior hardening and darkening.

I believed I found someone who was truly meant for me. Someone to make me happy and that I could make happy all the time. Only for him to do this to me.

Walking to my couch I sit down, my fingers playing with themselves. Wondering what it could be that he was just refusing for me to be in his life anymore...

Went to France with him and his hometown Nice. A beautiful place and I would love to visit it again. He cried in front of me and I'll forever honor the tears he shed in front of me because of his trust towards me.

We kissed...a lot. I got to kiss him more and touch him more. I felt like we got closer until I walk in on Achille with a stab wound to his heart. I offered him my blood so that he could save himself and he refused.

I knew I'd become like him if he drank my blood...and I was fine with that. Told him that I was okay with it and it's like something snapped for him. Suddenly mustered up all this strength and shoved me away. Getting blood from his blood packs instead of me.

Oscar was there, proving to me that Sabin is his owner. Should've put two and two together but you know...I was too infatuated by Achille to see it on time.

Standing up I begin to realize that I can't think negatively on this. Achille may have broken my heart, but there has to be a deeper meaning as to why he did so.

I...I refuse to settle for this.

There's more to it.

Going to my door I fling it open for me to see Achille still standing there. Tears going down his face and he looked startled that I saw him in this state.

"Achille..." I murmur, pulling him into my arms and hugging him tightly. Feeling like it was my fault that he was crying.

I end up pulling him into my house and I close the door. Still hugging him, we go to my couch. The both of us sitting down and he still cried in my arms silently. Breaking my heart as I began to regret my words.

Everything I said and all that I uttered.

Feeling bad, I pull away from him and grin kindly. I wipe away his tears as best as I can. Seeing him cry like this broke my heart dearly.

"I...I guess if we both are being honest, you could've left without saying anything - so easily. But I appreciate you coming here and telling me to leave you to my face, rather than shutting me out completely with no explanation... I guess that's happening now but - that doesn't matter!

"Umm...I know you told me what you did. But I refuse to accept this. Please give me the chance - the opportunity! - to speak with you. To understand with you Achille. Where no hearts are broken."

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