Im sorry 💖Angst - Fluff💖

Start from the beginning


"Shhh... Better if you just... Comply." You nodded, and he also handed you a pair of jean shorts.

You started to take off your shirt, but stopped and quickly glared at Squip. (Squip just autocorrected to squiparooni- wha-)

"Please let me change in peace."





Another zap. You sighed, deciding to get changed before he did something... Else..

You desperately wanted to cover yourself. It all was too short.

"Alright, grab something quick to eat and then let's go." You nodded.


After that day, people at school actually started noticing you. But... Not in the way you hoped.

Guys had started hitting on you, making you uncomfortable. You were being made fun of by other girls for being a 'slut', and of course, your Squip didn't care at all.

"Why the hell don't you care about me?"

"I just fucking don't? I'm here for one reason, dumbass. I'm not here to care."

"Well could ya try?"

"Psh, with the way you are? No one cares. Because you're ignoring everything I tell you! Do you really think you'll get popular like that? Pathetic."

You felt tears well in your eyes, but knowing what happened last time, you desperately tried to get rid of them.

"Crying again?"

"Stop, please don't hurt me!"

"Whatever, I'm turning in for the night. I'll see your sorry ass tomorrow."

He dematerialized.

You had enough, and you ran over to the bathroom, pulling out some razors you never used.

"Well, if he doesn't care enough to take my feelings seriously, he's gonna see what f-fucking happens.." You quickly guided the blade across your arm, and screeched a bit.

"Jesus, that's a feeling that I didn't want back." You continued, until you couldn't feel your arm anymore.

Sighing, you put the blades away, then cleaned and bandaged the cuts.

You walked back into your room, and cried yourself to sleep.


"Cutting does NOT make you attractive! It makes you look like you want attention!"

"Well, whatever. It's your fucking fault."

He shocked, pretty damn hard too. You fell to the floor, and he looked down at you with a scowl. "Speak to me like that one more time, I fucking dare you."

"Either way, their covered, and it's only one arm. I doubt anyone would notice. If they did, they wouldn't care." He thought a minute.

"That's true... Alright, let's go."


"God, why are you so worthless?!"

"I'm sorry! Okay??"

"You aren't! Because if you were, you'd stop being a stupid little bitch and listen to me!"

"Since when did you care about me?!"

Squip x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now