11~ Meet the parents

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Homophobia and Transphobia, mostly mentioned transphobia but it's still there and iTS STILL FUCKING WRONG okay

"It's been five months, Ro! We've got to meet each other's parents eventually, and if your parents told you to bring your partner..." Virgil squeezed Romans hands tightly. "It's gonna be okay." Roman frowned slightly, kissing Virgil's head.

"I don't know...they meant for me to being a girl, I told them how my drama partner is this girl and they think I like her and...I don't want them to scare you off."

"They won't." Virgil pouted softly. "Please, Ro." Roman sighed, nodding.

"You're too cute, how am I supposed to say no to you?" Virgil smiled, kissing Romans cheek.

"Thank you." He let go of Romans hands. "I'm going to work now, love youuuuu." He left his apartment, heading to the coffee shop.

Remy didn't show up first thing, for once. He was actually late for Remy, he showed up when Virgil only had twenty minutes left before he could leave. He didn't even realize that Remy walked in. "Hello, how can I help you today?" Virgil plastered a fake grin, before looking at the customer. "Wait...Remy?"

"Aw, you didn't recognize me?" Remy pouted, he had a hoodie on, that was probably Deceits judging by the snake designs, the hood was up, covering most of his face. He pushed the hood down, revealing bruises and scratches. "There were some protesters at Pride, they were more pissed at me then they were at Em and Dee." Virgil frowned.

"Jesus...I'm sorry, Rem." Remy shrugged.

"Hook me up with the regular, and if there are any of those cinnamon rolls that Patton makes." Virgil nodded, getting Remy's order, but refused to take Remy's money. 

"I'll pay for you, bro." Virgil shrugged.

"No, I can pay for myself." Remy slapped a twenty on the counter. "Don't pity me, you're better than that." He left after, taking a bite of his cinnamon roll. 

Virgil was happier than usual twenty minutes later when he clocked out just as Logan walked in, he gave a small wave, Logan nodding in return, before Virgil skipped off heading home. 

"Your parent's sound like snobs," Virgil said to his phone where he was facetiming his boyfriend, who seemed to be wiping off the eyeshadow he applied that morning. 

"They are, so no makeup, darling," Roman said in a sing-song voice. Virgil frowned. 

"But my emo aesthetic!"

"Please, darling." Virgil huffed, wiping off his eyeshadow that exaggerates his eye bags. He shrugged off his own Jacket, picking up Roman's Disney letterman one, that still had Roman's faint scent of vanilla, he pulled the jacket on over his black button up shirt that Roman insisted he wears. 

"What do you think?" Roman looked at Virgil, smiling. 

"You look amazing, love. As always." Virgil rolled his eyes. 

"Whatever, see ya, dork, love you." Virgil hung up after Roman said his goodbye, grabbing his apartment key and walking out.

Thirty minutes later, the two stood in front of Roman's parent's house. Virgil's sweaty palm pressed against Roman's, their hands interlocked. Virgil's heart pounded in his chest as he turned to Roman. Roman smiled at Virgil, kissing his nose softly, before knocking on the door, smiling at his father. "Hello, dad! Long time no see." Roman chirped, smiling at his father as he ignored his own anxiety.

Roman's father was a grey-haired, pissed off, version of Roman. Virgil sighed, holding Roman's hand tighter and smiling the fake smile he has mastered from working at a coffee shop.  "Hello, I'm Virgil-" 

"Why are you here?" Roman's father acknowledged Virgil before even glancing at Roman. Virgil's heart started beating faster and he didn't think he would be able to respond. 

"I-I Uh, well I-"

"He's my boyfriend," Roman spoke up, swallowing hard. His father's eyes lit up with rage, but before he could say anything a softer woman walked around the corner. 

"Roman! Dearest, we missed you so much and-...Oh, who's this?" His mother's eyes looked at Virgil, scanning him with a worried look. 

"Fairy boy's boyfriend." Roman's dad muttered, turning away from the door and heading to the kitchen, the women frowned, ushering the boys in. 

"Virgil...HIs name is Virgil, and, as much as I missed you and dad, I'm not going to sit here while you judge me for being with-" Roman was cut off by his mom's soft voice.

"Does he make you happy?" Roman nodded without hesitation. "Then I won't say anything, I rather you date a girl but...I just want my little boy happy." She hugged Roman quickly, before, to everyone's surprise hugging Virgil softly. 

The dinner was awkward, filled with glares from Roman's father and Roman's mom awkwardly trying to make conversation. After dinner, Roman didn't hesitate to stand up, hugging and saying goodbye to his mother before walking to the door with Virgil. "Roman?" His dad spoke up, walking to the door. "Don't come back to my house until you're married to a girl." Roman sighed, looking down, holding Virgil's hand tighter. 

"Then I guess this is the last time you'll see me, father." Roman gave his mom a sad smile before leaving holding Virgil's hand. Virgil looked up at Roman, his concern obvious. "I'm fine darling, don't worry about me." They continued to walk in silence for a while before Roman smiled. "How are you feeling, love?" 

"Ready to get out of this stupid dress shirt," Virgil muttered, watching the smirk that showed on Roman's face. 

"Well, I wouldn't mind helping yo-" 

"Not like that, perv." Virgil stuck his tongue out at Roman, causing both of them to chuckle at the silliness.

Lattes And Love ; Sander Sides ; Prinxiety ; College/Coffee Shop AUWhere stories live. Discover now