5 ~ Logan

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in the last chapter

I meant to have something angsty happen so I wrote 500+ words for that

realized that I didn't like how it read and rewrite it crappily

so that's why that happened

this one is gonna be better though


Word count: 541


Logan knew Roman was the biggest idiot on the Earth. He's known him for five years give or take and you start to realize how stupid someone is after that amount of time. 

And for all of Roman's talk of being a 'master at romance,' he sucks at dealing with crushes. 

So here Logan was, getting ready to help Roman once again. 

Well, it was more of Patton helping then Logan but same difference. 

"Pat?" Logan asked quietly, watching as Patton practiced a new cookie recipe (This one being blueberry chocolate chip cookies)

"What's up Lo?" Patton raised an eyebrow, looking in Logan's direction as he mixed the batter. 

"you and..." Logan paused, his finger tracing the edge of his coffee cup as he tried to remember the name. "Virgil is friends, correct?" Patton nodded, looking at Logan with a 'what-about-it?' Look. "You should ask him to go to the movies with you, on the same night we're going to the movies, I'll invite Roman and-" 

"SECRET DOUBLE DATE!!! Yessss! You're so smart Logy!" Patton nodded vigorously, excited by the idea. 

Logan gave a satisfied smile. "Good, thanks for your cooperation." 

The next day Patton was at work early, leaving Logan and Roman alone the whole day, since it was a Saturday. "Roman, if you're going to cook breakfast you need to have a shirt on, it's a safety hazard," Logan mumbled tiredly

Roman gave a carefree shrug. "That's too much work, Shirts are constricting plus I never burn myse- OW!" Roman jumped away from the pan as a bit of grease from the bacon popped, burning Roman. 

Logan gave a satisfied smirk, tossing Roman the white sweatshirt he knew Roman was gonna need. 

Roman slipped the sweatshirt on, handing Logan a cup of pitch black coffee and a plate with pancakes and bacon, setting his own plate down next to him. "Oh, by the way, Me and Patton are going to the movies, would you accompany us?"  Roman started to shake his head but Logan continued. "Patton wants you to go." Roman sighed, nodding.

At the cafe, Virgil was asleep leaning on his elbows against the counter, Remy (ignoring literally all the rules) was behind the counter and stacking cups on the sleeping Virgil's head. The door opened, causing the little bell to chime and Virgil shot up, all the cups falling off his head, he pushed Remy back around the counter and gave a half-hearted smile to Patton. "Hey, Pat." 

"Virgil!!" Patton enthusiastically held out his hand for a fistbump, having learned by now that Virgil isn't one for hugs. Virgil bumped his fist against Patton's and picked up the cups off the ground. "Virge, willl you pleaseeeeeeee go to the movies with me? I wanna hang out with my bestest friend ever!!!" Patton gave the puppy dog eyes and Virgil couldn't say no.  

"Yea sure." Virgil shrugged. Nothing could go wrong with just Patton and him at the movies. 

But add Logan and Roman. 

And it's gonna be filled with gay panic.

Lattes And Love ; Sander Sides ; Prinxiety ; College/Coffee Shop AUOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora