10 ~ oops

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Two months passed and Virgil would have to say they were the happiest months of his life, he loved spending time with Roman, he loved Roman.

Well, except for when he was awoken by excited knocking on his door. He yawned tiredly, walking to the door and opening in, waking up a little bit when Remy threw a handful of rainbow confetti at him. "Happy gay month." Ah, it was June 1st. Makes sense. He looked over to Roman smiling.

"Morning, Ro." Roman smiles back, walking in as Virgil gestures for the two to walk in.

"Morning, my love." Roman kisses Virgils forehead as he walks in. Remy pushed Virgil gently as he walked in.

"Bitch, I brought gay donunts and gay confetti and I only get a glare? Bitch better say good morning." Remy crossed his arms standing in front of Virgil.

"Good morning, the ultimate gay, Remy, now give me the damn donuts." Virgil snatched the box of donunts from Remy, carrying it to the living room and putting it on the coffee table. He opened the box grabbing on of the four rainbow donuts and handing it to Roman, grabbing another one for himself. Virgil sat besides Roman, leaning against him tiredly. Remy grabbed the donut decorated to look like the transgender flag, sitting in the floor.

"The other two donuts are for Emile and Dee, or my boyfriends." Remy says happily.

"Did you finally ask them out?" Virgil asked, smiling a bit.

"Emile asked us out." Virgil laughed. "But! It doesn't matter cause their my amazing boyfriends who are going to Pride with us." Virgil nods before looking at Roman.

"You should go to Pride with us!! It would be so much fun!! Pleaseeeeee." Roman hated to say no to Virgil, especially when he looked so cute and happy.

"I...might." Virgil frowned a bit. Remy stood up.

"Get your gay shit on, I'm gonna go get Em and Dee, be ready when we come back." Remy stood up, grabbing the box of donuts and walking out. Virgil turned to Roman.

"Everything alright, Ro?" Virgil ran his fingers through Romans hair, looking in his boyfriend's eyes.

"I've...never been to a Pride. And I'm kinda scared to go. I'm not really used to...openly being gay." Roman shrugged.

"Well, if you don't want to go, then we won't. You cannot stop me from wearing my gay flag like a cape today though." Virgil smiles at Roman.

"Okay, you still have glitter in your hair." he dusts the glitter off off of Virgils hair. "Perfect."

"Just like you." Virgil smiled at Roman.

Since Roman refused to go to Pride, Virgil decided not to go either. The two spent that night at home, cuddled close watching movies, Roman stayed the night with Virgil.

When Virgil woke up in the morning he had Roman clinging to him like he was a teddy bear, it was adorable, but annoying when you had to go to work. "Ro, babe, wake up."

"No." Roman muttered. Virgil pulled himself free from Romans grasp.

"Yes." He kisses Romans cheek. "You have school anyways."

"It's college! I can skip." Roman muttered.

"Nope, now get up." Virgil chuckled as Roman sleepily sat up.

So actually angst next chapter?? Oops

Angst will happen eventually it's just gotta be timed right

Lattes And Love ; Sander Sides ; Prinxiety ; College/Coffee Shop AUWhere stories live. Discover now