6 ~ Movie date

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I don't know what I'm doing with these titles

Also, would you guys want Remy and Emile to get together or Remy And Deceit? Or - the third option nobody cared about - Remy, Emile AND Deceit to be a thing?

Honestly just please let me know I need to know-
Virgil, being the anxious boy he is, got to the theater early, like people were still walking out from the previous movie, early. After thirty minutes of scrolling through Tumblr, he saw another person walk into the theater, a familiar, flirty, person walk in the theater.

Aw, hell nah. Virgil thought, trying to sink further into his seat so Roman wouldn't see him, that didn't work and as the royal wanna-be walked closer and noticed him, he sat beside him. "I didn't know you were gonna be here, Virgil! Logan and Pat asked me to go, what a nice coincidence." Roman smiled, Virgil giving a small smile in return.

"Oh, uh, Pat asked me to go too." They shared a look and with a sudden realization, Virgil groaned. "They planned a double date."

Romans face turned the slightest shade of red, but went unnoticed when he gave a smirk, putting an arm around the back of Virgils chair. "Well, I must say, the thought of going on a date with you isn't a bad one."

Virgil hid his blushing face, moving Romans arm away. "Whatever, Ro."

"Oh, come on! At least do me the honor of this one date, if you don't like it then I'll stop flirting with you, I promise." Virgil sighed, looking at Roman.

"If you buy snacks then I won't leave." Roman grinned like an idiot.

"Yay! Well, come on, I wouldn't want to get my emo prince the wrong snack!" he grabbed Virgils hand, gently dragging him to go get snacks.

A few minutes later, Roman and Virgil, as well as Logan and Patton, walked back into the theater. Roman had a cherry Icee and a large popcorn to share with the other three, Virgil had a mixture between Cherry and Blue Rasberry Icee, making a purple one as well as some MnMs candy. Logan and Patton both had a blue raspberry ice cream, as well a Skittles to share. They sat down and talked for a bit before the movie began.

Halfway through the movie, after Virgil had drunk his Icee and ate his candy, he found himself growing tired, and Roman seemed to be a nice pillow. Roman of course didn't complain, just shrugged his own jacket off and threw it over Virgils side as a blanket, since he didn't seem to have his jacket with him.

Patton, of course, noticed and silently squealed, tapping Logans arm, which was around Pattons shoulders, and pointing to the two. "My plan worked!"

Logan gave a small grin, kissing the top of Pattons forehead near his hairline. "Good job, Patton." Patton smiled proudly and cuddled closer to Logan.

After the movie, Roman reluctantly woke up Virgil, he opened one eye looking up at Roman. "I don't wanna wake up."

"I know, darling, but you're in a theater, you can go home and crawl straight into bed, okay?" Roman said quietly, combing the lilac colored bangs out of Virgils eyes, giving him a smile that Virgil was positive was made of pure sunshine.

"Fine." He sat up, noticing the letterman jacket fall off his side. The white letterman jacket had a big red R on the front, and Disney patches ironed on all over it. "Oh, uh, should I give this-"

"You don't have to, you can keep it, give it back to me on our next date?" Romans' voice was full of hope for the next date and Virgil put the jacket on, loving the way it swallowed him whole and the faint scent of vanilla.

"Yea, I'll give it back on our next date." Virgil almost whispered, looking down. Roman grinned like an idiot. "But, uh, we should switch numbers or something...?" Virgil pulled out his phone, pulling up a new contact and holding it out to Roman who inserted his number.

"I'll text ya later, V."

Logan and Patton were already walking home, their fingers interlocked as Patton gently swung their hands between them. "Hey, Logi?" Logan hummed looking down at Patton.

"I, I really like you."

"I really like you too, Patton." Patton gave a bright grin.

"So, could I, uh." Patton gave up on words, instead pulling Logan down by his tie and kissing him.

After they pulled away Logan nodded. "Yea, you can kiss me." he loved the giggle that caused from Patton, maybe he would joke around more often.

Lattes And Love ; Sander Sides ; Prinxiety ; College/Coffee Shop AUWhere stories live. Discover now