8 ~ Dee

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....don't say anything about how many chapters I'm posting I'm only inspired to write for this story so fuck off


Roman was sitting across from Dee during the phone call, since they were practicing lines backstage. "Did I hear correctly? Are you going on a date?" He Gave an over exaggerated gasp.

"Yea, But uh its not like a romantic date it's like a friend date. He's just my best friend and it's a friend date, y'know?"

Roman rose an eyebrow. "Then why isn't Virgil going?"

Dee frowned. "Uh....I don't know- I mean, I don't want it to be a romantic date, oh what if it is a romantic date?"

"Sounds like you need to talk to your friend about what kind of date it is." Roman sat up a bit, yawning.

Dee shrugged, looking for something else to keep the conversation going. "Where's your jacket? The one with the Disney stuff? Think this is the first time you haven't worn it."

Roman smiles, giving a small nod. "Virgil's borrowing it, we Uh-" he paused, he did plan on pretending to like Dee for a while but now he has a chance with Virgil and it wouldn't be fair to either of them to keep pretending... "I really like him."

Dee felt a small bit of hurt but hid it behind a grin. "Cool, we should get back to lines now."

Roman nodded, frowning a small bit as Dee scooted closer.

"Virgilllllllll, open the damn doorrrrrr." Dee whined, repeatedly knocking.

Virgil groaned opening the door and glaring at Dee. "Better be important, Liar."

"Ohhh, using last names, how rude." Dee smirked, letting himself in and hiding a frown when he noticed that Virgil was wearing Romans jacket. "It is important, kinda. Boy talk?"

Virgil sighed but nodded. "You better not be as whiney as Remy was about boys though."

"When have I ever been whiney?" Dee sat on the couch. "Might as well cut to the chase, I like Roman, a lot."

Virgil didn't sit, standing in front of Dee he gave a small scoff. "Selfish jerk."

"Excuse me?"

"You're a selfish jerk. You like Remy, you've ranted to me all the time about him, and now you just...like Roman better? You've been completely ignoring Remy for weeks before this! Unless it's to get money or watch a movie."

Dee sighed. "I know-"

"You know what? What exactly do you know about Roman? What do you know about his personality? You don't like Roman, you think he's hot...and I can't back down from Roman, Dee. I haven't felt this way before. I really like him....I...I think I could love him."

Dee didn't look up during Virgil's rant. "You're right. I do think he's hot. And I was hoping that would be enough. It's not though...I don't like him how I like Remy."

Virgil chuckled. "I know, and you have zero idea how much Remy likes you. You should go talk to him."

Dee stood up. "I guess I should, you're not mad at me for crushing on Roman?"

"No, if you contuine your stupid crush though I will be."  Virgil hugged Dee. "Doesn't change that you're my best friend, so stop being an idiot and go talk to the boy who you like personality wise and look wise."

Dee returned the hug. "He likes you a lot too, V. Romans crazy about you." Virgil shrugged, pushing Dee towards the door. "Bye, V."

"Get out of my apartment loser."

Later that night, before Virgil fell asleep, he texted Roman.

Virgil: Date 2 this weekend?

It took about an hour for a response but Virgil was overjoyed by it.

Roman: of course, how does a romantic stroll in the park sound?

Virgil: cheesy like you
Roman: so it's perfect?
Virgil: duh

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