What to Do

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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or HP.
/Kurama and Naruto speaking mentally/

"Mr. Potter, I have some good news." Ragnarok said.

"Okay." He waited patiently.

"First we found that all your vaults except your trust vault were untouched. We looked into the trust vault but found that despite them withdrawing money it all went to your school supplies."

"T-that's great." He said in relief.

"It is." Griphook said before his boss continued.

"We also found that the contract isn't binding." He told him.

"R-really?" His eyes widened.

"Yes really. Not only did they not use your legal name, they also didn't have your head of house sign it. The Potter's have it so that only the head of the Potter house may sign for a marriage contract to be legal." He informed him.

"So I don't have to marry Ginny?" He asked.

Ragnarok smiled at him. "No, no you do not."

"Thank Merlin." He breathed out in relief.

"Indeed. The bad news is that despite the blood test saying you are lord you can't claim lordship until you are seventeen. The reason is that the head of those houses made it a rule. You can claim heirship but the head of the house will be notified and one will take custody of you." He said.

"What should I do?" He asked.

"Let us try and contact the Senju family. They are legendary ninjas and the head of that house, Tsunade will be the best to protect you from Dumbledore. It will take a bit since she lives in the Elemental countries with Japan." He said.

"Elemental countries?" Harry asked.

"It is a hidden country full of ninjas." He answered.

"Oh, okay."

"I shall contact her. Now you should wait to claim your heirship until you know her decision so that no one can get to you beforehand." He suggested.

"That sounds okay." He nodded.

"While you wait Griphook will take you to a room where you can stay and will also give you some lessons." He said.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Harry stood and followed Griphook. The room he had led him to was beautiful. It reminded Harry of the castle bedrooms he had seen in books. He sat down at the desk and Griphook began the lessons. An hour later Ragnarok entered.

"Tsunade has responded." He said.

"That was fast." Harry said.

"Indeed. She is coming here." He said.

"R-really?" He asked, shocked.


"What did she say?" He asked.

"Well she was shocked that she had a member of her family alive." He said.

"Is that a good thing?" He asked.

"It is. She said that she couldn't wait to meet you. I do have a question for you." He said.


"I want to get you new clothes. May I?" He asked. 'Those clothes are atrocious.'

Harry teared up. "No one's wanted that for me before."

Ragnarok and Griphook hid their anger. "They were idiots." Ragnarok said. "So?"

"I would like that. Thank you."

"You're welcome. I will see you later."


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