An Arrest

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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or HP.
/Kurama and Naruto speaking mentally/

(With Kingsley)

Kingsley wasn't happy. He had requested Harry's medical and school records Dumbledore refused. He told the auror that wasn't necessary. He did get Harry's muggle records and they didn't paint a pretty picture. It made sense as to why Dumbledore was refusing to hand them over.

'I need those records.' He thought.

Knock Knock

"Come in." He said.

"Good evening Auror Shacklebolt." Minerva McGonagall greeted as she entered his office.

"Good evening Professor McGonagall." He greeted her. "Is something wrong?"

"No. I just came by to give you these." She gave him two folders.

"Oh?" He looked at them. "These are Mr Potter's medical and school records." He was shocked and confused.

"I heard you and Albus talking." She said.


"I know that you requested those documents legally and you really don't want to go up against Albus like that. As deputy headmistress I have access to those records and I am able to remove them if need be." She said.

"Thank you." He sighed in relief.
"You're welcome. If you find Mr. Potter please let me know if he is safe." She pleaded.

"I will." He promised.

"Thank you. I just hope that he is safe and healing." She said.

"Healing? So you knew?" He asked, withholding his judgment until after he heard the story.

"Poppy and I knew. We just couldn't do anything about it." She revealed.

"Why not?" He asked, already suspecting.

"Albus. Before he placed Harry with them I watched them. For a whole day I followed them around as a cat. The two adults were terrible and that child was left unpunished. I tried to reason with Albus but he wouldn't listen. Hagrid brought Harry and we left him there." She wasn't happy about that. "I believed he used a spell on me to get me to leave since he left that boy on the doorstep that day. Then when Harry came to the school I voiced my concerns. He waved them away. He did the same to Poppy after he first came through the hospital wing. Everytime we thought to go to the ministry we suddenly forgot." She revealed.

"I see." He wasn't happy.

"The only reason I was able to come today is that Albus is preoccupied." She said.

"Would you go to a healer and get a spell done?" He asked.

"I already have an appointment and so does Poppy." She told him.

"Good." Kingsley was happy about that.

"Anything else?" She asked.

"Not at this moment." He told her.

"Then I shall take my leave." She said.

"Of course. Thank you for your help. Have a pleasant evening professor." He said.

"You're welcome. Good evening to you as well." She left after that.

"Now let's see these records." He said. "Oh dear Merlin." He gasped when he read the contents. That boy is so lucky to be alive."

Knock Knock

'Now who is it?' He wondered. "Come in."

"Good evening Kingsley." The minister greeted.

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