Harry and Naruto Meet

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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or HP.
/Kurama and Naruto speaking mentally/

(With Shizune and Naruto)



"Is the other boy there mean?"

"No. His relatives weren't nice and his friends betrayed them." She answered. "He's a sweet boy."

"Okay." He was relieved.

Shizune smiled at him. She understood his fear. The village had abused that child. They blamed him for what a demon did because that demon was sealed inside him. Too bad for them if Naruto was killed that demon would be released and the demon would destroy them.

"Is Tsunade-san mean?" Naruto asked.

"No. She's a grump but she wouldn't hurt you."


"I promise." She said.


The two were silent once more. Eventually they arrived at the house. Shizune knocked on the door and waited. Soon Tsunade answered the door. She smiled at Naruto and let them inside. The door closed and she hugged him.

"Oh it's been so long since I saw you." She said.

"You saw me before?"

"Once. You were still in your mom's tummy."


"As you probably have guessed I'm Tsunade. Harry is in the kitchen. Are you ready to meet him?" She asked the eight year old.

"I am."

"Let's go then."


The three walked into the kitchen. Harry was sitting at the table eating. He stopped when he saw the door opened. Looking at the blonde he saw a kindred spirit. He stood up and went over to them.

"Harry, this is Naruto. Naruto, this is Harry."

"It's nice to meet you, Naruto." Harry said.

"You too." He blushed.

"Are you hungry, Naruto?" Tsunade asked, pleased that they seemed to be getting along at the moment.

"Yeah." He nodded.

She nodded and began making her a plate. The sixteen year old sat back down and resumed eating. Tsunade gave Naruto the food and he began eating. The two adults joined them at the table.

"After we eat I will show you to your new room." Tsunade told Naruto.


They ate and Tsunade showed Naruto to a room. Harry went back to his room to study. Shizune picked up. Tonton followed Harry and sat with him on the bed. The blonde was happy with his room. The furniture was new and not broken. The walls didn't have any cracks or holes. It was warm.

"Do you like it?" She asked.

"I do."

"Good. Once both you and Harry are settled in we shall buy paint and repaint the room and make it your own, okay?"

"Okay." He smiled brightly.

"Good. Harry's in his room studying. Shizune and I will be in the living room."

"Okay." He nodded.

"Okay." She left the room.

"This is awesome." He said.

/Yes it is, kit./ Kurama said.

Naruto bit his lip. /Should I tell them about you?/

/Only if you want. I have no idea how they will react./

/Okay. I'll wait until I know them better./

/Sounds good. You should unpack./

/You're right./ The blonde said before grabbing his bag and started to unpack.

(A Few Weeks Later)

Harry and Naruto settled into their new home just fine. Harry made it his duty to be a good older brother to the eight year old. Tsunade was relieved. She had been worried but since she had gotten Naruto help and Harry was talking to his healer via the journal it seemed to be working.


"Yes Harry?"

"The healer wants to know what day is best to come see me for a check up. The month is almost up."

"Okay. Next Monday is good."


He quickly wrote it out. "He said he will see me then."

"Alright. Anything else?" She asked.


"Okay. Are you ready for the test?" She asked.

Until the healer cleared Harry, she was giving him book work. Today she would be testing him on his knowledge. She just wanted to know where he was.

"I am."

"Good. Here it is."


Harry got to work. He carefully went through each question until he finished. He turned it in. She graded it and smiled.

"You only missed three questions out of twenty."


"Indeed. You're free to do whatever."

"Okay. Um..."

"What is it?"

"Did Voldemort respond yet?"

"Not yet."

"Okay." He left after that.

Tsunade sighed as she sat down. That poor boy went through so much and now he was questioning the truth with what he knew. It must be so hard for him.

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