Picking Up Naruto

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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or HP.
/Kurama and Naruto speaking mentally/

(With Shizune)

The black haired woman left to go get Naruto. It took her a few days to arrive at Kohona. Those who knew her were surprised to see her. They didn't ask her why she was there. She went right to the hokage's office. The man seemed to expect her.

"Naruto will be here soon." He told her.

"Good. How is he?" She asked.

"Better. He managed to escape this time." He scowled.

"Cowards." She said.


"Jiji?" It was Naruto. "Everything is packed." He said as he held up a small back.

"Good. This is Shizune, a friend of your godmother." He said.

"Nice to meet you." She said.

"You too." He said.

"She's going to take you out of the village." He said. "I'm sorry Naruto-kun."

"It's okay Jiji. You tried your best." The eight year old said.

The elderly ninja went over and hugged him. Naruto hugged him back. A few minutes later they parted. Shizune picked him up and they left. A tear fell down the man's face. He knew that if Naruto was to stay the villagers would kill him. Now that the child was safe it was time to focus on the civilian council.

'I know they were involved and they will pay.' He thought.

(With Voldemort)

Voldemort looked through his bank statements. He wondered if Dumbledore had managed to get access to his vaults. A letter came in. He looked at it and found it from the bank. He quickly opened it and read the contents. It shocked him. Potter was related to him and was the secondary heir to both the Slytherin and Gaunt family.

"Is something wrong?" Severus asked.

"No. Just shocked." He handed the letter over.

"I can see why." He said.

"I never would have expected that."

"Me either. What are you going to do?" He asked.

"Send a letter. Hopefully they write back."

Severus was shocked. Voldemort wasn't one that liked doing something unless he knew the outcome. It was odd to see him do it. The last time was when Dumbledore managed to mess with his sanity.

"What?" Voldemort asked when he noticed the shock.

"Just that you are doing something you don't know the outcome of." He answered.

"I know." His nose wrinkled in disgust. "I don't like it but it is a must."


"Go back to Dumbledore. Tell him that I am looking for the boy. I'll make sure to leave a trail and have the other's do so." He ordered.

"Yes sir." He left.

"Soon." He whispered. "Dumbledore will soon no longer be a threat."

(With Harry and Tsunade)

Harry was in his room. He was reading his old textbooks. He wanted to review. He had a feeling Tsunade would care if he passed or failed. It was nice knowing someone cared about him. This time he was going to do his best instead of doing the bare minimum.

Tsuande was in the kitchen. She was starting up a schedule for Harry and Naruto. It was just a temporary one until she knew what she was working with. Then it would change to fit the boys' needs. She just wanted to be prepared.

Naruto wouldn't arrive for another day. Shizune would probably bring him around in the morning. She hoped Harry and Naruto would get along. She wasn't sure how she would handle them if they were constantly fighting.

As she worked an owl came and landed on the table. It held its leg out to her. She could see the letter. She narrowed her eyes as she grabbed it. The owl hooted and waited. The medic-nin cautiously looked the envelope over before opening. All that was inside was a letter.

Dear guardian of Harry Potter,

I am Lord Voldemort. I was the one that killed Potter's parents. The reason was due to Dumbledore messing with my sanity. I became unstable. Now I have regained my sanity and I worry about him. I know what that bastard is capable of. I heard he has a new guardian and I wanted to warn you that Dumbledore is looking for him and he's dangerous.

There is another matter. I recently learned that he is the secondary heir to two of my houses. That can provide him with extra protection since he is my family. Please let me know how he is doing.


Lord Voldemort.

"Harry! Can you come here?" She called.

Harry put his book down and went into the kitchen. He wondered what it was about. It didn't sound like he was in trouble but he wasn't sure. He stood nervously in front of the ninja and wondered what was going on.

"I just received this letter. It's from Lord Voldemort." She told him.

She watched as shock took over his face. He never expected that. Who would expect his parents' killer to contact their guardian? It was odd and it worried him.

"What does it say?" He asked.


Harry was shocked after reading the letter. "W-wow."

"What do you think?"

"I don't know. He killed my parents but I now know what Dumbledore is capable of." He said.

"I know." She had seen what that man did to Harry.

"What are you going to do?" He asked.

"I'm going to ask for proof. If he can prove that he wasn't at fault then I will inform him that you are okay."


"Are you okay?"

"I-i don't know." He bit his lip.

"That's okay. Would you like to write to your healer?" She knew his healer had given him a journal for therapy and instances like this.

"Yeah." He nodded.


Harry went back to his room. He took out the journal and began writing to his healer about what happened. It didn't take the man long to respond. He helped Harry work out his feelings.

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