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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or HP.
/Kurama and Naruto speaking mentally/

(With Kingsley and Madam Bones)

"I always wondered how she obtained some of her information." Kingsley said.

"So did I." Amelia agreed.

"I just hope that the ward is expanded." He said.

"So do I." She sighed. "I really hoped I would be able to get it expanded before something like this happened."

"This isn't your fault." He told her.

"I know." She signed. "I'm just thinking about poor Mr. Potter." She said.

"So am I." He said.

"Let's do this." Her eyes were harder than diamonds.

"Let's." His eyes were hard as well.

The two entered the interrogation room. Skeeter tried to put on a brave face but the two could see how scared she was. Both were happy about that. She caused a lot of damage just for fame and fortune.

"Let me out of here." She demanded. Her voice shook a little.

"No." Amelia said.

"What we will do is ask you some questions. You better answer truthfully." Kingsley told her.

"Or what?" She foolishly asked.

"No plea deal." Amelia told her blankly.

"So?" She paled a bit despite the brave act she was putting on.

"You have plenty of charges against you. That means you will be in jail for most of your life." He told her.

"I-i see. What kind of deal?" She asked.

"You will serve half your sentence with the possibility of parole." Amelia said.

"Deal." She said.

"Sign here." She said.

"Okay." Deloras did just that.

"How long have you been an animagus?" Kingsley asked.

"Since I was twenty-three." She answered.

"Why did you become one?" He asked.

"I was sick of not getting juicy information. I remembered doing that animagus reveal spell in school. Mine was a beetle. I worked hard so that I could become one and get the information people weren't telling me."

"Which is why you aren't registered?" He asked next.

"I didn't want anyone to know. I figured someone might suspect me if they knew I was an animagus and looked out for a beetle." She answered.

"So no one knew?" Amelia asked.

"That's correct." She answered.

"What about the editor?" He asked.

"Oh I snuck in after they left and had my article printed and then blackmailed the boss when they tried to punish me."

"What type of blackmail?" Amelia asked.

"I put a sleeping potion into his drink and took him back to a motel. I then stripped him naked and got into bed next to him. I removed my shirt and bra, took a picture, then put them back on. I waited for him to wake up, showed him the picture and now I have free range." She answered. "I'm not sure if he knew I was obtaining my information illegally but I do know that he loves his wife and refuses to hurt her." That always made her jealous.

"How did you know that you could use your animagus form inside the ministry?" Kingsley asked.

"Research. I was doing a piece on the ministry and stumbled upon it. I used it to my advantage. I was greedy though and that was how I was caught." She didn't feel guilty about it either.

"You do know that writing about a minor is illegal without consent, correct?" He asked.

"I do. I had consent or at least I thought I did." She answered.

"Explain." Amelia ordered.

"Dumbledore. He told me he was Potter's magical guardian and gave me permission."

"When was this?" She asked.

"When the boy first started Hogwarts." It was when she started writing about the child.

"Did you care that by writing that article you could hinder our case?" Kingsley asked.

"No." She answered honestly.

"Just that it made you famous and gave you money." Amelia sneered.

"Yes." It was the truth.

"Would you have written the article if you knew that Dumbledore had no legal right to give you permission?" She asked.

"No. I knew that would lead me to getting punished." Skeeter answered.

"Did you use your animagus form to enter private property?" The auror asked.

"Plenty of times. As long as there wasn't an anti-animagus ward up I went there." She answered.

"Do you recall all those times?" He asked.


"Could you give us a rough estimate?" Was his next question.

"Maybe eighty to ninety times." She answered.

The two stared at her with wide eyes. They didn't expect it to be that high. That was going to be another few charges added. They wished they had known earlier so they could take action. Warders were going to be busy after this was revealed.

"Anything else?" Skeeter asked.

"Yes, what did you do with the information that you never released?" Kingsley said, knowing she would have never destroyed it.

"I kept those locked in a safe at my home." She said.

'We need to get those.' They thought.

"Where is the safe and how do you open it?" He asked.

"It is in my study. I hid it behind my framed portrait I had done after I became Journalist of the year." She smirked. "Just say beetle and it will open."

"Well that is it for now. We will question you later if any more questions come up." Amelia informed her.

"I figured." She sneered.

"Take her to a holding cell." The head of the MLE ordered.

"Yes ma'am." An auror said before doing just that.

"We need to go get that safe." Kingsley said.

"I agree." Amelia said. "Take Greengrass."

"Yes ma'am." He left after that.

"I wish my job was all sunshine and daisies." She sighed.

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