Getting Better

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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or HP.
/Kurama and Naruto speaking mentally/

(With Voldemort)

Voldemort sat in his office compiling all that he could. Harry's guardian wanted proof that he wasn't responsible for him going after the Potter's and wanted to make sure he wasn't a danger to her new charge. He respected that and would respect her wishes. To learn that Lady Tsunade Sanju was his guardian was unexpected and a shock.

Of course he had heard about her. She may have been a ninja but she was famous in the wizarding world. If anyone could protect the boy it was him. He was also sending her a list of wizarding towns inside the elemental country. He hoped she could find a good tutor for Potter.

He sighed in relief when he finally finished. He called his owl and soon it was taken away. Hopefully soon Dumbledore would no longer be a problem. He stopped that train of thought when Lucius entered his office.

"My lord." He bowed.

"What is it?"

"Dumbledore tried getting access to Potter's magical signature. The minister refused and is now starting an investigation." He informed him. "He's worried about Potter. He no longer believes that the boy was attention seeking but being manipulated. He believes Potter ran away because he was afraid of Dumbledore."

"I see. Keep an eye on the investigation."

"Of course my lord."

"Does he know about Potter's new guardian?"

"Not yet."

"Good. Tell me when he does."

"Yes sir."

"Tell the others to keep an eye out."

"I will. Oh and Greengrass and Brown are on the case."

"That's good. You may leave."

Lucius nodded and left. Voldemort smirked and looked out the window. It seemed Dumbledore was finally going to no longer be a problem. It made him very happy.

(With Dumbledore)

The man was pissed. The minister refused him, him. He thought the boy ran away. He refused to help. All he wanted was access to the boy's magical signature. He needed to find that boy and the minister refused.

"That man is ruining my plans." He hissed. "It might be best to get rid of him."

With that he began to plot the minister's demise and plan for one of his followers to take his place. He failed to notice a certain portrait disappear.

(With Harry and Tsunade)

It was time for Harry's appointment. Shizune took Naruto out to find some herbs. The other two were in the living room, waiting. Tsunade could tell that Harry was nervous.

"Why are you nervous?" She asked.

"I don't know." He admitted. "I think it's just because of all the times I was in the hospital wing."

"I see. Those events that led you to be hurt were planned by Dumbledore." She told him.

"I know."

"You have been keeping up with your dietary restrictions. You gained weight and haven't done anything to injure yourself."

"I know." He began calming down.

"Feel better?" She asked.


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