Nightmares and Comfort

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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or HP.
/Kurama and Naruto speaking mentally/

(With Harry)

It was late at night when Harry woke up. He had no idea why he did until he heard a scream. It sounded like Naruto. He jumped out of bed and ran to the blonde's room. He opened the door and looked inside.

Inside Naruto wasn't in danger. He was having a nightmare. Harry quickly went over to him and woke him up. He did that by shaking his shoulders. Blue eyes opened and stared at Harry in shock and pain.


"It's me. You were having a nightmare."


Harry's eyes softened. "It's okay. Do you want to talk about it?"


"Want me to stay here?"



"Here." He scooted over.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." He nodded.


Harry crawled into the bed. He covered himself with the blanket. Naruto immediately curled into Harry's side. The wizard smiled and wrapped an arm around him and held him close. Soon the two drifted back to sleep.

(With Kurama)

The fox had woken to Naruto's screams. He soon realized that Naruto was having a nightmare. Thanks to him being sealed inside Naruto he knew exactly what the blonde was dreaming about. It was one of the attacks he suffered on his birthday.

Since he didn't have a physical body he couldn't wake Naruto up by shaking him. He had to hope Naruto heard him yelling his name.

"Naruto! Wake up, kit! It's just a dream!" He yelled.

It failed to wake Naruto up. Kurama felt so useless. He hated that he couldn't help his charge and cursed the villagers. They caused that sweet boy so much pain due to their ignorance. He wished their fourth would come back from the grave. They would shit their pants when they learned they had been abusing his son.

Soon Harry came in. The green eyed wizard quickly woke Naruto. He asked if Naruto wanted to talk and didn't push it when the blonde said no. He then asked if Naruto wanted him to stay and then snuggled the blonde.

"I'm really coming to like that boy." Kurama said. "He's a good one."

With Naruto taken care of, Kurama closed his eyes. He soon fell asleep. Naruto was safe and he knew it.

(With Tsuande)

Tsunade woke to the screams. She knew immediately that they were Naruto's and were coming from his room. She grabbed a kunai and ran out of her room. Shizune met her outside Naruto's room with a kunai in her hand. The door was already open. They spotted Harry shaking Naruto awake. It made them realize the blue eyed boy was having a nightmare. They hide in the shadows to observe.

They were really proud of Harry. He handled the situation fine. They revealed themselves once the boys were asleep. Both looked at them with smiles on their faces.

"That's so cute." Shizune said.

"Indeed." She took a picture.

"I'm so glad they are close." She said.

"Me too. Well, let's get back to bed."


The two went back to bed. This time no one awoke to screaming. The boys slept through the night.

(Next Morning)

Tsunade woke up and quickly got ready. When she entered the kitchen she found an owl waiting for her. She relieved the owl of its burden and gave it some water and food. She then opened the letter. Inside was more than what the outside revealed.

Dear Lady Tsunade,

I have gathered all the proof that I could. There is so much there, just a warning.


Lord Voldemort.

Tsunade found that there really was a lot of evidence. He even sent her memories. She looked through them all carefully. She wasn't even close to being finished when Shizune entered the kitchen.

"What is all that?" She asked.

"Voldemort sent evidence." She answered.

"Oh. That's a lot." She blinked.


"I think there is more." She pointed out the second owl.

"No." She practically whimpered.

"I'll get it." She took the letter and fed the owl and gave it some water.

"What does it say?"

"Dumbledore tried getting Harry's magical signature."


"My magical signature." Harry said, alerting the two of his presence. "Magic has different signatures and all are unique. At birth or when a magical person is found a magical signature is recorded for emergency sake. It is mostly used for tracking criminals. It is illegal for anyone to access or record it on its own. Only the minister can access or give permission for it to be accessed. In the absence of the minister the wizengamot can give permission if all agree upon it."

"I see. He can use your signature to find you." Tsunade said, not pleased.

"Yes. Only if I used my magic."

"I see."

"He's really desperate." They could see the fear in his eyes.

"He is. Too bad he is still unaware of what he will have to face if he tries to get you." Shizune told him as she hugged him close.

"You can't promise that."

"I can promise we will fight for you."

"Okay." He hugged her back.

"What happened?" Naruto asked as he entered the kitchen.

"The bad man after Harry tried to find Harry through his magic." Tsunade told him.

"Oh. Will he succeed?" He asked, scared for Harry.

"No. Measures were done to prevent that."


"Indeed. Now let's get you both breakfast. We have a field trip."

"Field trip?" The two boys asked at the same time.

"It's a secret."

"Okay." Harry said.

Naruto pouted but was soon given food. They ate quietly as Tsunade looked through some more of the evidence. It was put away when the boys went to change. Tsuande and Shizune hoped they liked what they had planned.

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