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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or HP.
/Kurama and Naruto speaking mentally/

"Good morning Lady Senju." A goblin bowed.

"Good morning. Is he here?" She asked.

"Yes ma'am. Follow me." He said.

The goblin led her to a room. He knocked twice and waited.

"Come in."

He opened the door and entered. Tsunade followed. She took in the sight before her. At the desk was a black haired, green eyed teen. The boy was skinnier than a boy his age should be and her trained eyes could see the faint scars. A goblin was in front of the desk teaching him. The goblin looked over and spotted her.

"Oh good morning Lady Senju. Harry, this is Lady Tsunade Senju. Lady Senju, this is Harry Potter." The goblin introduced the two to each other.

"Pleasure to meet you ma'am." Harry greeted her politely.

"You too." She said.

"Please sit while I go get Ragnarok." He said.

She nodded and sat down in the chair provided. One goblin left the room and soon another entered. He introduced himself to Tsunade before explaining everything and showing her proof. By the end of it she was pissed off.

"I see." She soon brought her cousin in for a hug. "Don't worry. You'll come with me and I'll not only teach you everything I know but I'll give you a home."

"Thank you." He teared up.

"These documents will give you guardianship since he is still underage." Ragnarok said.

Tsuande looked over the papers before signing them. She then handed them back. Ragnarok and Griphook signed them as witnesses. The papers glowed gold. Tsunade was now Harry's guardian.

"Mr. Potter, it is time for your potions." Griphook reminded him.

"Thank you." He said.

"How will he get those potions when we aren't even in the country?" She asked.

"The healer had given Mr. Potter a potion case. It will automatically be filled with the proper potions and the healer is familiar with the Elemental Countries and agreed to travel there." Ragnarok said.

"Good." She said.

"Great." She looked at Harry. "Are you ready to go?"

"Yes ma'am." He said.

"Then let's go to the hotel. We will get to know each other then." The blonde smiled.


Harry grabbed his things and followed his new guardian out of the bank. He wore a hood and sunglasses so that no one in public would recognize him. He had made sure his scar was hidden behind makeup just in case. He nearly froze when he saw Dumbledore but Tsunade had grabbed his shoulder and pushed him out.

"Thank you." He said.

"You're welcome. Who was that?" She asked.

"Dumbledore." He answered.

"I see."

He followed her out of Diagon Alley and into the muggle world. She took him to a hotel. She had gotten a room with two beds. The medic nin ordered food. Harry sat down on the couch and waited.

"Our food will be here soon." She told him.


"So tell me everything you are comfortable telling me." She said.


"Take your time." She soothed.

"I... um..."

"You can start with your favorite color." She suggested.

"I like dark green." He said.

"Mine is purple." She said.

"I really hate fluorescent colors. Actually, I hate bright colors in general." He said.

"Me too. Bad for stealth." Tsunade said.


"Favorite food?" She asked.

It went on like this for a while. Tsunade was glad to see he was gradually becoming more comfortable in her presence. He avoided talking about his relatives, his ex-friends, and Dumbledore. She understood. His relatives abused him while his friends and headmaster betrayed him.

"Um... What's your country like?" Harry asked.

"There aren't many wizards or witches. They tend to stick to their own towns. The village where I am from is a mixture of ninjas and civilians." She told him.

She grabbed some pictures of Kohna and showed him. She told him what her job is and how she would train him if he felt comfortable. She also explained why she was never in the village. She told her about her plans for Naruto, her godson.

"Do you mind if he comes with us?" She didn't want him to be uncomfortable.

"I don't mind." He said.


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