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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or HP.
/Kurama and Naruto speaking mentally/

(With Harry, Naruto, Tsunade, and Shizune)

Harry and Naruto exited their bedrooms, dressed casually for whatever the adults had planned. Shizune and Tsunade were in the living room waiting for them. They smiled at the boys.

"Ready?" Shizune asked.

"I am." Harry said.

"So am I!" Naruto said.

"Wonderful." She smiled. "Then we are ready to go."

"Okay." The two boys said.

They left the apartment and the two adults took them to a nearby lake. Naruto gasped in excitement. Shizune revealed a picnic basket. The little blonde cheered at that. They were having a picnic, something he always wanted to do.


"I'm glad you like it." Tsunade chuckled.

"I do! Harry?" He looked at the dark haired wizard.

"I have always wanted to have a picnic." He said with a smile.

"Yay!" That made him happy. "Me too."

"Then let's help set it up." He said.

"Okay. What can I do?" He asked.

"We need this blanket spread out." Tsunade said, handing over the blanket.

"Okay. Harry?"

"Yes?" He looked at the blonde.

"Will you help me?" He asked.

"Of course." He smiled.


"You're welcome."

The two boys worked together to get the blanket spread out. Once that was done Shizune placed the basket down and took out its contents. She handed the boys a bottle of water. She was always making sure they were hydrated.

"Arigato." The two said.

"What would you both like to do?" Tsunade asked.

"Tag?" Naruto suggested. "That game looked fun."

"It does." Harry agreed.

"Let's play it then." Shizune said.

Both adults had trouble controlling their emotions. These two boys were never allowed to play tag. Well Harry was but they didn't count that. Harry Hunting was less of a game of tag and more of a hunting down one target and beating the crap out of them. That wasn't even a game.

"Who wants to be it?" Tsunade asked.

"I do!" Naruto excitedly volunteered.

"Alright. Ready?" She asked.

"Hai." The other three said.

"Then let's go!" She said and took off.

Harry and Shizune did the same. The adults didn't run as fast as they could so that Naruto would have a chance. The blonde took chase. He went after Harry seeing as he was the slowest. What he didn't realize was that years of escaping death made him very clever. Harry ducked and weaved around objects and Naruto himself.

"Come back here!" The blonde yelled.

"Make me!" Harry yelled back.


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