Harry Meets Shizune

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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or HP.

/Kurama and Naruto speaking mentally/

(With Shizune)

A black haired woman hummed as she took some crates off of Tonton, Tsunade's ninja pig. Shizune waited to hear from Tsunade. She had gone to collect Harry, a relative of the blonde's. It was a shock for her to learn that Tsunade had family out there other than Naruto and that the boy had been abused. She hoped they could help the two boys heal.


"Good. I was hoping Lady Tsuande would contact me soon." She said as she went over to where the letter was lying.

She read the contents and smiled. She was glad that Harry was doing okay. Now they just needed to get Naruto.

"Time to go see Harry-kun." She told Tonton.


With a small smile Shizune left with Tonton. It didn't take her long to arrive. She knocked on the door and Tsunade answered. The blonde led the way to the kitchen. Harry was sitting at the table.

Shizune looked Harry over. He had black hair like her and was in new clothing. That was all she could see since Harry was hunched over the table. It made her sad to see that. Tsuande went over to the boy.

"Harry, this is Shizune. Shizune, this is Harry." She introduced the two.

"It's nice to meet you." Shizune said.

"Y-you too." Harry said as he shook her hand.

Now that he was facing her Shizune could see him more clearly. His emerald green eyes revealed all the pain and hurt he had been through. The betrayal was there as well. It made her sad that he had gone through so much and had been betrayed by his friends.

"This is Tonton, Tsunade's ninja pig." She introduced.

"Ninja pig?" That was new.

"Ninja pig." She nodded.

Harry kneeled down. "It's nice to meet you."

"Oink." She rubbed her nose against his hand.

An owl flew into the room. It landed on Harry's head and stared at the pig. Tsuande and Shizune looked at Harry when he sighed. He rubbed her head.

"You're still my best friend." He said.

"You know this owl?" Tsunade asked.

"This is Hedwig." He answered.

"It's nice to meet you Hedwig." Tsunade said, wondering if she would make a good ninja pet.

Hedwig gave her a once over before hooting. Harry smiled at that. It seemed that she approved of her. The snow owl took off to Harry's room. The emerald eyed boy chuckled at that.

"She is such a snob." He shook his head in fondness.

"She seems loyal." Shizune commented.

"She is." He said. "When is Naruto getting here?" He asked.

"Soon. Shizune is going to leave tomorrow to get him." The medic-nin told him.

"And we will train together?" He asked.

"That's right."


"Are you alright with that?" She asked.


"Okay." That made her happy.

"When do I start training?" He asked.

"We start your ninja training this weekend. I want you to be comfortable first. Your wizarding training will start once I find someone I trust to train you." She said.

"Okay." He nodded.

"Anything else?" She asked.


"Alright." It made her happy that he was comfortable asking questions.

Harry went into his room. Shizune and Tsunade planned his schedule. Harry spent time with Hedwig.

(With Dumbledore)

Snape returned to Dumbledore. The man waited eagerly. The dark haired wizard couldn't wait to ruin his day. He knew he was hoping Voldemort had him. His plan was for Snape to rescue him. Even if he did, Snape wouldn't have rescued Potter. They would have kept him safe from this manipulating bastard.

"Well?" He asked.

"The dark lord has no idea the boy is missing. I will need to let him know so that I'm not suspected." He said.

"You're right." He growled.

"Tell him next time you go." He ordered.

"Of course." He said.

"Damn it! Where is the boy? I can't get any info on his new guardian. Those blasted goblins won't help." He yelled. "Please try and find him."

"Yes sir." He left.

"That fucking boy will pay!" He screamed.

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