The punch that killed the Squip 💖Angst - Fluff💖

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You changed into the outfit.

"Yo Eric, do I look decent?" (Me.) He turned around, and smiled.

"You look great, (n/n). Now let's go."

You couldn't help but blush at his comment. You sighed, walking downstairs and out the door.

You were about to get in your car when you saw Rich pull up in his car.

"Yo! (Y/n)! Need a ride?"

"Rich I can dri-"

"I'm already here!!! Get in." Eric nodded, and you sighed, walking over and getting in the back. You smiled at Rich.

"Hello bi friend." He smiled, and you laughed.

"I have to pick up Michael. He said he had to make the punch, and to pick him up once I got you." You nodded, leaning your head on Eric's shoulder.

"(n/n), that looks very odd since I can't see him." You blushed, and sat up. "Wait, I didn't say you couldn't, it just looks a bit funny." You nodded, and went back to laying on his shoulder.

He moved his hand up to play with your hair.

The second Rich arrived at Michael's, Michael ran out the door and jumped into the front seat.

"Sup!" He held the punch, careful not to spill it.

"Hey, Mikey!"

Thank the Lord's he a had a lid on that punch, because he jumped about 10 feet high.

"Dude, I thought you knew I was gonna be here?" He laughed nervously.

"Yeah, I did. For some reason I didn't expect that."

"Somethings off about him.." Eric glared at him.

What do you mean...?

"There's something... Off...

You shrugged it off once you arrived and Jake's house. You could tell it was more of a chill party, since it was only the small group.

Congrats! You're here!

Bitch shut the fu- you felt a light shook, and pretty much fell out of the car. Eric chuckled.

"Ready to go inside?" Rich asked, helping you up.

"Hell yes! Wait." You contemplated for a minute. "Maybe..."

"I doubt Jake is gonna kill you, (y/n).."

You sighed. "I know, I know... But, what if... They all think I'm... E-Evil or some shit, because I won't get rid of my Squip? What if they don't trust me?"

Rich smiled, and put his arm around you. You had to bend down a bit, due to his height, but not much since you weren't tall yourself. (I think I'm shorter than him. I'm 5'0) "Honestly, if they haven't done anything yet, I don't think they will. And I mean, your Squip hasn't done anything? He hasn't... Tried to hurt any of us, or cut you off. Hell, he barely controls you at all."

You nodded. "Yeah, but he does help. Especially with my breakdowns and crap. And I really appreciate the company.." You sent a smile towards Eric, and he smiled back, a light blush on his face. "I don't think I'd be here right now if I had my way. I'm very socially challenged."

Rich let out a light laugh, and you followed and laughed yourself.

"Guys!! Are you coming?!" Michael stood by the door, an annoyed look on his face. You could tell he'd been standing there for a minute or two waiting for you both.

Squip x Reader OneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang