The more I noticed, the more frustrated and irritated I became. The last thing I need is for others to look at him. He isn't noticing their stares in the slightest, but still!

"Darius you're very attractive."

I flinch, looking down at him in shock. He was all red and now avoiding to look at me.

"Where'd that come from?"

"A lot of people are staring at you. You haven't noticed?"

"They're staring at you Achille, not me."

He shook his head, and I began to look harder. Realizing that the stares were coming towards the both of us. I was so busy realizing the stares going towards him that I didn't see the ones coming to me...

We were both noticing the same thing.

"I think the stares are mutual. Let's not focus on that, let's get the ingredients. First-."

"No phone!" I cried, grabbing mine and putting it in his pocket. Chuckling I began to wonder what his motives were.

I went along with it and nodded with his decision. Noticing the way he bit his lip, causing me to want to kiss his lips again.

"I don't want you to depend on the internet. Let me give you the ingredients I know by heart."

"Please do, that would be preferred."

Achille smiled, causing my heart to flutter at how precious his smile was. I just wanted to hug him right here and right now.

"Okay then, let's get a cart!" He smiled, rushing to the carts and grabbing one. Rushing back towards me, causing me to smile at him and want to ruffle his hair.

I just begin to follow him, noticing as he went to the fridge area.

"What we need is cheese, it's called gruyère. It is a finely grated cheese type we need. When I was in France I had to grate it myself, but I believe this store will offer me the cheese I need..."

I nod, wondering what on earth that cheese could be. Never heard of it, but Achille somehow found it.

"I have butter at my house - because of you. Flour, black pepper, sugar, sea salt... What we need now is onions - yellow!"

He ran away from the cart and I ended up having to watch it. Seeing him come back with four onions in his hand. I chuckle, grabbing them as I place them in a bag.

"Do you know how much these weigh? You have to weigh them first." I state, going to weigh them as he looks in amazement. Seeing them weight one in a half pounds and I put them in the cart.

"Okay - beef broth."

"I know where that is."

As we walk to the canned foods I go near the soups and grab some beef broth. I begin to grab three cans, putting them in the cart.


I look down at him, causing him to caress his chin as if he had a beard. Such a cute sight to see at that.

"That's an alcoholic beverage."

"I know. I want to eat the version my father used to eat. My siblings and I ate the version that had no wine or alcohol. This time, we are." He smiled, making me smile as this was the most I've seen him smile.

Don't know if we became closer ever since we were in the forest, but I believe we did. I still haven't asked him to be mine...but I'm waiting until the right moment I guess.

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