The Final Battle 2

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Normally it would take a severe trauma to the body and spirit for it to be released, but Mo Yuan had the spell to release it earlier.  Of course there would be a price to pay for this early gift which Ye Hua would normally have had to earn,  and normally always via a High God Ascension Trial, but he could not allow his brother to die now.  Not when he had a family to protect and a brother to know.

Now releasing the spell into Ye Huas mind, he knew he was now strong enough to release it for himself while also making it very clear that a price came with the spell, and it would be Heaven that would decide on the payment.  But hearing him clearly, Ye Hua stilled all movement because his body was involuntarily jerking having taken in too much of his Grandfathers energy too quickly.

It was painful for him, but releasing the spell that Mo Yuan taught him, a sudden and violent explosion hit his mind as the cultivation his father had gifted to him the day he was placed in the Lotus was released.  It was the only reason why Su Jin had been able to thrown him out of the sky, because he had yet to gain this extra power.  But as it surged through his body, Mo Yuan quickly jumped back with Lian Song who was watching intently as Ye Huas spirit fired into life.

His fathers cultivation was what was released and though Mo Yuan could see the High God energy flicker a little, it was soon dragged back in, either by Ye Hua himself who was already struggling with the overload of energy, or interference by those who governed such matters.  Either way, he would reach High God status, but it would not be that day.

Now forcing his brother up into a sitting position, he was still to open his eyes, but he was breathing, he was healing from the increase in energy and most of all, he was battling to get himself back with the living which Mo Yuan could feel coming off him in waves.

And no sooner were his eyes open, then they immediately sought out the only person he wanted to see.  His smile was steadily growing as his hand grasped Mo Yuans tightly, because as his eyesight began to clear, the vision of his wife in full combat against Qing Cang while doing her best to keep Su Jin back at the same time, was a sight he thought he would never see.

Mere minutes had passed, but a life time of thoughts raced through his mind as he watched what had once been his softly spoken, kind hearted and gentle Su Su, change into this High Goddes of immense power and stunning beauty, rage across the heavens as if she literally owned it.  And of all the sensations he could have felt, arousal was the last one he expected to feel considering he was still gaining control of his body, but it was raging through him as he watched her throw the Ghost Tribes Overlord through the sky.

HIs eyes fired and his heart burst at the sight of her, while also thanking every God under every sun for this second chance with her.  And once done, he was on his feet, before suddenly finding himself being held back.

"Qing Cang will die very soon, you can already see whats left of his energy leaving his body.  When he does, the power source will begin to unravel because it is connected to his soul.  Su Jin will become her most powerful as she fights to remain among us.  Seventeenth is powerful,  but she will not manage on her own." Mo Yuan warned him quickly because he knew what that kind of power had done to her mind.  She was literally drowning in the euphoria of having control of such power so to feel it leave, meant she would fight with everything she had to remain even if it was pointless.  Only his Seventeenth was also weakening having battled alone for too long.

Ye Hua did not need to be told twice, and the moment he rose up into the air to take that women out once and for all with a power source far more deadly than what she had, then Bai Qian released the final fatal blow that saw Qing Cangs spirit completely unravel from his body.  It was explosive and terrifying to see the old Overlords energy spark and thunder across the Heavens but what had everyone coming to a halt was the explosion of the Bell which suddenly and without warning rose up into the skies above their heads.

Not understanding what had just happened, it took Bai Qian a few precious seconds to comprehend it, only to have Su Jin violently slash her sword straight across her chest.  The would was deep and the blood was flowing as Ye Hua soared high into the sky to help her.

"Su Su!" he screamed out in terror as Bai Qian not only toppled backwards with Su Jin raging towards her, but soldiers below them were now rising up into bell.  The wind and noise was horrendously loud and for a moment it seemed as if time stood still.

The rage on Su Jins face was just as terrifying as the Bell that was already at the third stage.  But Ye Hua had no thought in his mind except for the safety of the only woman he loved and as he flew at Su Jin with his sword powering his energy down the blade, Bai Qian caught a glimpse of his black robes just seconds before he met Su Jins blade head on.

Over the Bell, the noise was deafening to everyone there as two ancient powers collided and throwimg many of them back including Mo Yuan who was helpless to assist, but his eyes never left his brother.  They were gleaming with pride and agony because he knew that for the next few minutes at least, Si Jun was his equal.

And the battle that raged from that moment on was for all of their lives as his little Seventeenth dove in behind the other woman to help finish her off.

"What the hell did he do?" Ye Hua screamed at her as Su Jins body twisted with an agility he never thought she was capable of achieving.

"He sealed himself to the Bell Ye Hua.  The moment he died, the Bell reignited." she cackled back at him before suddenly spinning into a tightly controlled vortex, a knowledge that Qing Cangs memories within the power source was still feeding her.

"Ye Hua......" Bai Qian called out to him as Su Jins blade aimed to slash at her chest again only to have Ye Hua block the strike before punching the side of her head as she spun away towards her.

"The Bell Ye Hua......" she cried out as it hit the fourth stage and a point where a sacrifice now needed to be made.

"Su Su...." he yelled back and using the name he was used to calling her.

"Remember the bed on Mount Junji?  It leeched energy." he shouted over the roar of the Bell that was now sucking all lower life forms into itself.

"Understanding hit immediately.  The Power Source had leeched a considerable amount of Ye Huas core cultivation when they had made love on that bed and as they closed in on the woman who was slowly seeping that energy out of her body, both blades came up at the same time.

"She needs to be alive." Ye Hua screamed as his blade took out her legs and Bai Qians legs struck out with every last ounce of energy she had left.

Then racing to take hold of his wife, they both turned their head upwards.

To those below still able to see what was going on, the sight of Ye Hua and Bai Qian hovering in the air with their hair flying in all directions and their faces turned upwards, that alone was a sight to see.  They looked so beautiful together, but it was the sight of Su Jin screaming into the Bell that their eyes rested on before the entire sky exploded above them.

And in his arms Ye Hua clutched onto her tightly just moments before everything went black.

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