Chapter 15: Finale

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(Y/N's pov) 

Once again we were out in the city of Vale looking Blake, who is still missing. We are trying our best to find her but we have no idea where to look.

Ruby: She's been gone all weekend. 

Weiss: Blake's a big girl, I'm sure she can handle herself.

I grow frustrated with the fact that Weiss seems to don't care about Blake missing. It just annoys me that she's been acting like this since Friday.

Yang: Weiss, come on. She's one of our teammates. 

Weiss: Is she? We all heard what she said.

Ruby: Weiss.

Yang: Maybe she is, maybe she isn't. Either way, she's missing and we need to find her. 

(Y/N): We also don't know the full story so we can't jump to conclusions.

Weiss: A member of the White Fang. Right underneath our noses! 

(Y/N): You don't know that!

Ruby: I just hope she's okay. 

We kept walking for a bit and tried our best to search for the missing member of team RWBY.

Ruby: Blaaake?!

Yang: Blaaake?!

(Y/N): Blake! Where are you?

Yang: Blake!! 

(Y/N): How come it feels like only three of us are actually looking for Blake? 

Ruby: Weiss, you're not helping!

Weiss: Oh! You know who might be able to help? The police.

(Y/N): Here we go again... *rubs neck in frustration* Can't you just stop acting like a brat?! 

Weiss: It was only a suggestion! And how 'dare' you call me that?! I'm you're girlfri- *she covers her mouth when she realized that she let the "secret" almost slip* 

Yang: Wait? Did she say what I think she said?

(Y/N): *pinches the ridge of his nose in further frustration* Might as well tell everyone else here since Blake already knows. *sighs* Me and Weiss have been in a relationship for the past couple of months. 

Weiss: We kept it a secret so (Y/N) wouldn't be in jeopardy. But I'm now not sure of how long we'll still be in this relationship!

(Y/N): I'm acting like this because you're not giving Blake, your teammate and friend the benefit of the doubt! 

Ruby: *whispers* Is this how couples argue?

Yang: Yes, it's something similar to that, but anyways, can't you two stop arguing for five minutes?!

Both me and Weiss stop our bickering and focus our intention on Yang.

Yang: Can't we put relationship issues aside first and focus on finding Blake? And anyway we should hear here side of the story before we make any conclusions.

Weiss: I think when we hear it, you'll all realize I was right.

Penny: And I think Weiss' hair looks wonderful today!

We all jumped and turned around to see Penny following us with her usual innocent smile.

Ruby: Agh!! Penny!! Where did you come from?! 

Penny: Hey guys. Hey cousin. What are you up to?  

Ruby: Uuuhhhhh... 

Yang: We're looking for our friend Blake. 

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