Chapter 12: Forever Fall Part 1

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(Y/N's pov) 

A night has passed since I had that talk with Jaune. And today is a class field trip into the forrest of Forever Fall. The teams participating in this trip were Teams RWBY, JNPR, and CRDL. With the two teachers of the trip being Aunt Glynda and myself. We all loaded up on the airship and off we went. 

(Y/N): (I see that instead of being with his team, Jaune is with Cardin. I knew this whole situation had him written all over it.) *you see Jaune get bossed around by Cardin and his team as if he was their personal butler.*

Pyrrha: *she sighs and has a look of sadness over her face over the sight of them bulling her team leader.*

(Y/N): *pats her shoulder* I'm sorry Pyrrha, I did all I can and it just wasn't enough to do anything.

Pyrrha: It's not your fault (Y/N). Thank you for trying. You've always been a good friend.

(Y/N): Same goes with you Pyrrha. For the longest time you were the only friend I had. 

Ren: Pyrrha! Can you come over here? We need your help to double check our supplies for the trip.

Pyrrha: I'm coming Ren. Well I have to go. As bummed out as I am about the Jaune situation. I'm happy that I can still count on you. I'll see you in a bit. *Pyrrha leaves to go help Ren.*

Right now everyone was doing their own thing. And since the airship was expansive. There was plenty of room to stretch out. Blake was off in a corner reading one of her books. Ruby and Yang we playing video games with each other. Ren was meditating with Nora taking a nap. Pyrrha was sitting beside the two cleaning her weapon. And then there was Team CRDL who were all taking naps with Juane holding all of their stuff without him having any breaks. Aunt Glynda was in the cockpit where the pilot was. Yet, someone from Team RWBY was missing.

(Y/N): (What a minute where's Weiss?) *I walk towards Ruby and Yang to see if they knew where she went*

I walked up to them and Yang noticed me.

Yang: Hey (Y/N)! What's up?

(Y/N): Do any of you know where Weiss is? I have to keep the student count; just in case someone goes missing during the trip, and I counted everyone present except for Weiss.

Yang: Oh, She went to the back of the ship. She said that she needed some "peace and quiet" during the ride.

(Y/N): Yep, sounds like Weiss alright. Well thanks for the heads up.

Yang: No problem.

I left the two to continue with their activity as I went to the back of the airship trying to find my girlfriend.

(Y/N): Now where are- *gets grabs by an arm and pulled into a room that had it's door opened.*

Weiss: It's about time you found me.

(Y/N): What can I say? You know I would've started looking once I noticed the most beautiful girl in the group was missing.

Weiss: *blushes* Again, with the cheesy one-liners?

(Y/N): Hey, they might be cheesy but at least I know that they're effective at making you blush, Snowflake.

Weiss: You're not wrong. But I missed you yesterday. We didn't get to see each other besides class and our texts last night.

(Y/N): Yeah, sorry about that. I was busy grading papers to helping out friends in need. You know the usual young teacher stuff you see in tv shows all the time.

Weiss: Well now you can make it up to me right now. We still have some time to kill before we reach our destination.

(Y/N): I'll do more that that Princess. *I then clash my lips with Weiss' to have a  kiss.*

This kiss was more passionate than usual. It almost became more primal. With both of us almost giving into our desires. As I realized what I was doing I stopped immediately and pulled away from the kiss.

(Y/N): I'm sorry. I got a bit too carried away. 

Weiss: Don't worry about it. I enjoyed the parts that we got to do. But I'm glad that you thought of me before yourself. That's the reason why I love you show much.

We then had one more kiss but a quick one.

(Y/N): *looks out window*  Looks like we reached Forever Fall. Let's join back with the others so they won't grow suspicious.

Weiss: Yeah, but being back here alone is already suspicious enough. So let's hurry.

We both got out of the room we were just in and I made sure nobody was watching.

(Y/N): Looks clear. We don't have to worry for the meantime. Our secret is still safe.

Weiss: What we did was risky, but I don't regret doing it.

(Y/N): So after you Miss Schnee. *I gave a hand gesture and bow to let Weiss go ahead of me.* 

Weiss: *smiles* Thank you, (Y/N).

(Y/N): It's always my pleasure just to see you smile.

(Nobody pov)

The secret couple left the back of the airship to join back with the rest of their friends and to continue with the field trip. But unbeknownst to the pair, someone actually did see them together in the back and saw that they truly were more than just friends.



(A/N)Author's note: Well that's chapter 12 everyone. And what a chapter it is. Someone knows about the secret relationship between Weiss and (Y/N)! Who is this person? Are they friend or foe? Will they keep it a secret or reveal it to everyone? If you have a guess for the identity of this person, then leave a comment down below. I hope you all enjoyed it and remember...

"Walk tall, my friends."
~Noctis Lucis Caelum~

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