Chapter 11: Friend Talk

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(Y/N's pov) 

It's already been a few days since Weiss and I confessed our feelings for one another and things have been going relatively well. Considering that our relationship is a secret. Right now I was giving a lecture in class about semblances and how it works.

(Y/N): ...You see everyone's semblance is unique to each person. The reason for that is of many factors. It may be based off of one's personality, or life experiences, or it could be hereditary, where it's past on from one generation to another. Semblances are unpredictable because of these factors. This is not a bad thing. After all nobody is the same. *bell rings* That's all for today students. Class is now dismissed.

After everyone left the classroom I sat on my chair and went to my desk. Going though paper work. Grading assignments.

(Y/N): That's interesting I noticed that Cardin's papers have been improving a lot. Yet something tells me that he didn't improve by studying.  *I continued to grade papers until someone knocked on the door.*

(Y/N): Come in. *The door opened to show Pyrrha was the one knocking on the door.*

Pyrrha: Hello again (Y/N). I hope I'm not bothering you.

(Y/N): No, I don't mind seeing my best friend after classes. So what's going on? I can tell that something has been bothering you.

Pyrrha: Well, it's about Jaune. I think he might be in trouble.

(Y/N): Yeah, I did notice that Jaune has been oddly distant with the rest of the gang for the past couple of days. Do you know what happened?

Pyrrha: No, I've been too angry to dive deeper into the topic. But I do know that Cardin probably has something to do with it.

(Y/N): I expected as much... I'll see what I can do. I'll try and talk to him but I don't know what will happen.

Pyrrha: Thank you (Y/N)! At least I know that I can still count on you.

(Y/N): Yeah, just go back with Ren and Nora. Everything will be back to normal before you know it.

I watched Pyrrha leave the classroom and after she closed the door I immediately facepalmed myself in frustration.

(Y/N): Why do you have to do these complicated things Dad?


(Nobody pov)

Yang: Come on Weiss! Just tell us how the date with (Y/N) went.

Weiss: Yang for the last time I told you it wasn't a date!

Ruby: Sis, please leave Weiss alone. It was just two friends having coffee.

Yang: And that doesn't sound like a date?! Also when (Y/N) and Weiss came back from Vale, she was wearing (Y/N)'s jacket.

Blake: *lowers down her book* Well, it did rain where they went. So it would make sense that (Y/N) would be willing enough to give Weiss his jacket.

Weiss: *Weiss tries to figure out what to say to hide her relationship* There is no romantic connection between me and (Y/N). And besides there is no way that I would fall for him. It's like taking the best parts of Ren and combining them with the worst parts of Ruby and making it into a person. Also (Y/N) will lose his job here and will lose his huntsmen license. So I'm pretty sure he wouldn't do something as stupid as having romantic relations with a student. *Weiss blushes*

Yang: Is that a blush I see?

Weiss: Just shut up! I'm going to go ahead and change for the night. *she grabbed her night gown and went into the dorm bathroom to change.*

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