Chapter 10: Confession

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(Weiss pov)

(Y/N): What did I do? I'm sorry Weiss. I shouldn't have done that. *(Y/N) then runs off with a look of guilt on his face.*

Weiss: (Y/N),wait!

I immediately ran after (Y/N) not before putting some money on our table to pay for our coffees.

Weiss: (I don't why (Y/N) reacted the way he did. Did I do something to upset him? I have so many questions running in my mind. He actually kissed me. Does that mean... he feels the same way about me as I do about him?)

I continued to run but I couldn't find him. I had lost him. I stopped to regain my breath and I noticed that rain was starting to pour down into Vale.

Weiss: Great! I'm going to get my outfit soaked. (Y/N) where are you? Just please talk to me? Explain to me why you ran? I'm here for you.

(Y/N's pov)

In order to stop Weiss from chasing after me I teleported up to the roof of the closest building to me. I saw her stop to catch her breath. I was watching her as she kept calling for me. She needed to know. Even if it ruins our relationship as friends, she at least deserves to get an explanation. So I teleported right behind her.

(Y/N): Weiss I'm right behind you.

She turns around to face me. We were staring at each other as rain continued to pour.

Weiss: Where were you? I've been trying to find you for the past five minutes.

(Y/N): Well I can teleport so I just went on the roofs of buildings. I'm sorry for running from you Weiss! I just panicked and that was my first instinct.

Weiss: Why would you panic? Just tell me what is going on? *Weiss then Walks towards me so that we were face to face. I saw in her eyes a expression of concern and worry.*

(Y/N): I'm sorry for leaving you at the coffee shop. I shouldn't have done that. It probably made the situation worse. But the truth is... Weiss Schnee, I love you. I know you probably don't feel the same way about me. But I had to let my feelings be known to you. I hope we can still be friends.

Weiss just stood there, completely silent. There was a tension in the air and the rain made it more potent.

(Y/N): I see... Let's just go back to- *Before I could finish my sentence, Weiss grabbed my shoulder which caught my attention.*

Weiss: I'm glad that you told me your true feelings (Y/N) because I feel the same way. 

(Y/N): Are you serious? *she nods while giving the prettiest smile I had ever seen.*  For how long?

Weiss: Ever since you saved me from that Nevermore. 

We then embraced each other as we shared a passionate kiss. The rain began to pour really hard but none of us cared.

(Y/N): What's with the weather today? It feels like we are in one of those stereotypical, cheesy romance movies. Well anyway here. Have this. *I took off my trenchcoat and put it on Weiss to keep her dry as possible from the rain.*

Weiss: What about you? All your wearing is a suit. I feel like that you'll get sick without a coat.

(Y/N): Don't worry about me. My biggest concern is keeping you warm.
Common let's get back to the bullhead. It's getting late.


We got back to the bullhead and during the flight. Weiss was using my shoulder as a pillow.

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