Chapter 6: Time for Classes

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(Y/N pov) 

After the nightmare I couldn't go back to sleep, hours went by with me thinking about the dream over and over. I walked into my bathroom and splashed water all over my face to calm myself down.

Y/N: I've been having this same dream about Mom and Victor since I was eight, but that wasn't the strange part. What was strange was the inclusion of Weiss and the others. WHAT IS THIS TRYING TO TELL ME?!

I looked at my clock and it read the time as 6:35 in the morning.

Y/N: I guess I should get ready for the day.


Y/N: That's should be everything, I can finally get some coffee. I went to the teacher's lounge to grab a cup of Ebony and I noticed my Dad was already there and he noticed me.

Ozpin: Good Morning son. You're up surprisingly early. Did you sleep well last night? *He hands me a cup of Ebony*

Y/N: Yeah I did actually. (That was a complete lie.) * I then take a sip of the Ebony*  So what is today's schedule for class?

Ozpin: I know you're not being honest son. Just tell me,did you have another nightmare again?

Y/N: Dad it was nothing, you don't need to worry about me. 

Ozpin: Okay, if you insist. I'm just want to be here for you son. Epspecially after the deaths of your mother and brother. But here is the schedule of classes for the day. *hands me a sheet of paper that had the schedule on it.* You will teach three classes today and remember... be careful with your classroom. You are the only class for semblance control and if the classroom gets destroyed it'll take weeks to repair so tell everyone to restrain on their semblance.

Y/N: Got it Dad, I'll be cautious. See you around, love you.

Ozpin: I love you to son.

I walk out of the Teacher's lounge and I walked passed Team RWBY's dorm and I hear a ton of noise and what sounded it like chaos.

Y/N: What are they doing? Decorating? * I then looked at the time on my watch and it said that it was 8:37.*  (They better keep an eye out on time... class starts at 9:00.)

I then walked into my classroom and took off my coat and let it hang on my chair. I then set my cup of ebony on my desk.  I looked at the time and it was 8:53 and I see my first batch of students walk through the classroom door. 

Y/N: (This will be interesting. Let the games begin!)    

(Weiss pov)

Weiss: (I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! We are running late for the first day of classes... How are the teachers gonna react? What about (Y/N)?! I won't allow this to drag down my performance.) Me along with the rest of my team and Team JNPR arrive just at the nick of time.


Port: Ah, Team RWBY, and TEAM JNPR glad that the both of you could make it to class today. Just take your seats and we'll begin... 


I was writing notes in my notebook as Professor Port continued to talk about his adventures as a Huntsman during his youth... lets just say that the story is a bit on the extravagant side of the spectrum.

Port: Monsters! Demons... Prowlers of the night. Yes, the creatures of grimm have many names. But I, merely refer to them as prey.

I was writing down notes when I noticed at the corner of my eye;Ruby who is supposed to be our leader ignoring everything that Professor Port is saying and is taking a nap.

Weiss: (This is so frustrating! The dolt shouldn't have been qualified to be the leader of this team. I should be the leader of Team RWBY. I am more capable than her.)

Port: You too will be calling them that, upon graduating from this prestigious academy.Now as I was saying, Vale, as well as the other three kingdoms, are safe havens in an otherwise treacherous world. Our planet us absolutely teeming with creatures that would love nothing more than to tear you to pieces. And that's where we come in. Huntsmen! Huntresses... *He then proceeds to wink at Yang which is a pretty disturbing thing.*

Yang just rolls her eyes and feels a bit uncomfortable.

Port: Individuals who have sworn to protect those who cannot protect themselves. From what you ask? Why... The very world! 

This was suppose to stir an reaction with the class but no one was into it... except for one awkward idiot.

Student: *Stands up* Eyyy-yeah!

The dolt immediately sat down when he realized that nobody else was doing it with him. So the Professor continued on with his speech...

Port: That is why you are training to become. But first, a story. A tale of a young, handsome man. Me. When I was a boy...

At this point I was starting to tune out of Professor Port's story and I started to think about the one enigma that is currently in my life... (Y/N) Ozpin.

Weiss: ( He's an interesting individual. First he's the Headmaster's son, and one of the youngest to ever become an professional Huntsman. That is quite a respectable trait. He's capable in combat and has one of the most unique semblances I have ever seen. He's also a great strategist. The one thing that I can't figure out is his character. On one hand he acts inconsiderate,childish, and can come off as a bit rude. On the other hand he's intelligent, kind, and... dreamy. Wait! What am I saying?! He's a teacher for crying out loud I shouldn't be having these thoughts!)

As I was trying to recompose my thoughts I noticed that Ruby started scribbling on her notebook and I knew for sure that it wasn't notes.

Port: Despite smelling of cabbages, my grandfather was a wise man. "Peter," he told me... 

My attention to Professor Port's story was cut short when I heard Ruby giggling like a 5 year-old. I went to look in Ruby's direction to see that she drew a very rude drawing of Professor Port. I was not amused but of course Ruby and Yang starts to laugh out loud. Which catches Professor Port's attention. He cleared his throat so the commotion can be stopped.

Port:  In the end the beowolf was no match for my sheer tenacity. And I returned to my village with the beast in captivity and my head held high. Celebrated, as a hero. The moral of this story? A true huntsman must be honorable. A true huntsman must be dependable. A true huntsman must be strategic... Well-educated... And wise! So, who among you believes themselves to be the embodiment of these traits? 

The moment he dropped the question I immediately raise my hand as high as it could go.

Weiss: I do sir! ( I will show everyone in this room what it means to be a huntsman. Especially Ruby!)

Port: Well then, let's find out. Step forward, and face your opponent!

Everyone's direction moves toward Professor Port's right as there is a cage that suddenly appeared out of nowhere and was shaking violently. All you could see inside of the cage are glowing red eyes. The creature in cage gave off an insidious growl waiting to be set free to attack it's prey. Which was the Heiress to the Schnee Dust Company.

Weiss: (I accept the challenge!) 


(A/N)Author's Note: Chapter 6 is finally out! After a... 5 month hiatus. I am so sorry to keep you guys waiting since the last time I posted a chapter was back in November of 2018. School has been keeping me busy and writers block kept me out of the game for a bit but now I'm back! I hope you all enjoy today's chapter and please send me feedback to help me improve as a writer. And always remember to...

"Walk tall, My friends."
~Noctis Lucis Caelum~

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