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I woke up and memories from lasted night flooded my head. My mind traveled every which way going down rabbit trails of questions and scenarios. That was one gene I could've done without receiving from my educational minded parents. My dad said something to me once that came back to mind at times like these when I was overthinking, " Life is filled with important questions, but even more important answers. If you have a question seek the answer." And that's what I decided to do. I peeled my comforter off my body and headed downstairs to check on Jack.

For a girl on a mission I loved pretty slow, but hey I'm not a morning person so the fact that I got out of bed this early was already an accomplishment. My slow pace also helped in not making any noise in case he was still sleeping. Most people look calm when they're sleeping and angelic, but Jack he was something else. Everyone knows he's a beautiful boy he has killer features from his face to his abs and well everything else. He looked unreal while he slept, having no laugh or joke to humanize him he literally looks like a statue. I can not believe this boy is sleeping on my couch.

I went to throw away the plate of food that had been sitting out all night incase he woke up, but my being so close to him caused him to start stiring in his sleep. I was leaning over him to see if he was awake when he said, "This would be a perfect view if it didn't hurt so bad to have my eyes open". We both laughed a bit while I sat next to him and started playing with his hair. He slowly became more and more awake starting with his eyes opening fully until he started tracing patterns on my thigh. As much as I was enjoying the moment, my anxious energy did not allow me to enjoy it fully. So I did what I normally do and started ranting, "I don't want you to get offended, because I honestly don't care that you're here. Well not that I don't care, but you know like I don't mind. I was just wondering why you came here when you got drunk and like how you got here. I don't know, don't worry it's not a big deal, I'm just curious."

While I was talking I began to get nervous looking straight into his brown eyes that were staring into mine. He is honestly so intimidating. When he's face shifted from simply staring at me into his classic smirk, I shut up.

Instead of answering any of my questions he just looked at me and said, "You're cute when you're nervous. You know that?"

Before I had a chance to respond he lifted his head off the couch and used his hands to gently grab my face putting us only centimeters apart. I guarantee he could hear my heart racing. He then whispered, "this is why I came over last night". He put his lips on mine and kissed me in the slowest most passionate way he ever had.

Kinda a filled kinda not also I'm sorry about how I update so slow but I'm really trying to write better chapters so please let me know what you think.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2019 ⏰

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