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It had been a week since I made up with Sammy and it was like nothing ever happened. He started coming over and staying at my house again, but instead of sleeping in my bed he would sleep on the couch. Jack worried about it but tried not to make a big deal because he knew that my friendship with Sam is one of the most important things to me.

Summer was slowly approaching and the boys and I were hanging out a lot. Sometimes I stayed home when they went out to parties or clubs. They always invited me, but that's just not my scene I guess. Finals were right around the corner, and they have my full attention. It was just another Saturday night of me half studying for English and half listening to music and zoning out. I usually loved reading but my teachers always chose the most boring books to force us to read.

    As I flipped the page there was pounding at the door. Normally that isn't frightening, but I'm a teenage girl whose home alone and it's way to late for it to be a package. I decided to stay in my bed and lower my music to make it seem as though no one is home. After another thirty seconds, the pounding continued. I was nervous but it seemed urgent so I headed to the door, but not without bringing my pepper spray that I carried in my purse for emergencies. I crept quietly to the door even though no one could hear my footsteps over the repeated fist knocking on the door.

    When I looked through the peephole, I was surprised and somewhat relieved to see Jack standing on my doorstep. I opened the door for him of course, but as I did a wave of the scent of alcohol came towards me. He was leaning against the wall obviously drunk out of his mind.

"Aphrodite, baby I missed you" he slurred each word together into a jumble of drunk nonsense. I brought him in the house by placing my hand on his arm and gently pulling him towards the kitchen. He followed obediently but his weight swayed with his uneasy steps.

"Jesus, Jack how much did you drink?" I asked rhetorically under my breath.

"Ummm I don't remember" he responded in a higher pitch voice then normal. In a weird way he sounded more like an average teenage boy and less like the Greek god he appeared to be.

"Do you remember if you had any water or food Jack?" I asked while walking to the fridge to get him a water bottle.

"Ummm I don't remember" He said again with a little laugh after he realized he repeated himself.

"Ok well let's fix that." I said while I handed him a water bottle and began to heat up some leftovers from my dinner in the microwave. He drank the water incredibly fast and put his head on the kitchen bar where he was sitting. I went to give him the food, but in those few moments he had fallen asleep. I tried to pick him up to get him somewhere to sleep, but I was basically dragging him around because I couldn't pick him up very well. I successfully got him to the couch in the next room, but there was no way I could get him to a bed upstairs.

I decided to leave the food, more water, and two aspirin on the coffee table so if he woke up in the middle of the night he would have what he needed. I took the throw blanket off the back of the couch and laid it over him. It didn't cover most of his legs but it worked good enough.

I went back to my room extremely confused and unable to sleep. My mind had a few questions circling around like "Why did he get drunk?", "How did he get here?", and "Why did he decide to come her instead of home or with one of the boys?"

I guess I'd find out as much as possible in the morning.

Shy Girl // Jack GWhere stories live. Discover now