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I was so anxious pacing around my room.

"Chill out you know he likes you." Sammy muttered not even taking the time to look up from his phone.

" I guess you're right. I mean I'm Aphrodite Anastasia Phillips. I'm the total package. I'm pretty cute, I'm wifey material, how could he not like me." I boasted proudly

Sam finally looked up from his phone and glanced at me.

" Come here." He said out motioning for me to sit right in front of him.

" Look you're a great girl, not my type but a great girl" I interrupted him with a cough and a glare. " right not the point. He already likes you, so you don't have to worry now and it's not a big deal. I'll be here to save you from embarrassing the heck out of yourself." He said with a goofy grin.

I playfully shoved him while we both laughed.

Ding. The doorbell.

I stood up and brushed myself off glancing back to Sammy to see him give me a thumbs up. I walked to the door with slightly shaky breath. I saw Jack through the peephole looking down at his hands nervously. I giggled and I unlocked the door to let him in. I watched him straighten up as he heard the door unlock. I opened it all the way and saw his smile widen.

" Hi, how are you?" He said with a grin

"I'm great how bout you?" I said walking close to give him a hug.

We were about the same height he was just a couple inches taller then me. I slowly pulled away and closed the door behind him.

"Here follow me, Sam is waiting for us in my bedroom." I said with a little smile turning to lead him through the house. My house wasn't much but it didn't need to be much for just the three of us. I noticed Jack looking at all the pictures that clung to the wall. He stopped at one of me and Sammy when we were little around five.

" Woah, you two have known each other a long time" he said turning to look me in the eye.

" Yeah our moms work together so we were just always around each other." I said remembering that day. We, Sammy and I, we're playing tag while our moms worked at the table. And being my childish five year old self said," NaNa boo boo you can't catch me." To Sam. And I vividly remember him stopping almost freezing. And then suddenly sprinting over to me and tagging me with such force he knocked me into the table and it broke my head. So we all drove to the emergency room and Sammy was so guilty he was apologizing the whole time. I ended up getting my face stitched up.

I guess Jack noticed me deep in thought looking at the picture because he asked what I was thinking about. So I repeated the story to him. " yeah and that's why I have this little scar here" I told him pointing to my forehead. Because the scar was so small Jack had to lean in to see.

" Dang, I wondered where you guys where. I was just waiting in the bedroom. You know if I knew you were making out I would have stayed there." Sammy said as if it were some fact we should have known

I rolled my eyes at him. " I was telling Jack the story about how you broke my face." I said laughing

"Oh yeah." He said scratching his head

"I'm sorry about that." He said looking at my scar

"Sammy it happened 12 years ago." I laughed, " Anyway let's all go to my room

Shy Girl // Jack GWhere stories live. Discover now