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Fanloids are fan made characters. Usually based off of an already existing character. They're not UTAU's, however because the person doesn't provide the voice. Sometimes they don't even have a voice and they're just OC's, sometimes their voice is based off of an already existing character either pitched down or pitched up (they're usually called Pitchloids by then but that a whole other topic for another time), sometimes they do get turned into UTAU's. There's tons of them out there. Some well known examples being Yowane Haku (usually a pitched down Miku), Akita Neru (commonly a pitched down Kagamine Rin but rarely a pitched up Miku), and Sakine Meiko (a pitched up version of Meiko, supposed to be Meiko's younger self).

But honestly tho. Sakine Meiko needs more love. She's underrated.

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