What is Vocaloid?

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Vocaloid is a singer synthesizer program developed by Yamaha.

You may recognize that name because they're well known for making musical instruments as well as boat motors.

The program works by the voicebanks you buy and download from their official site and you place down notes and type in lyrics. You also tune them however you like.

Vocaloid engines 2-4 are very similar setup wise. Vocaloid 5 is set up completely different, however, so beware if you're new or if you haven't used Vocaloid in a while or if you haven't bought Vocaloid 5 yet.

Personally, I like the way Vocaloid is heading to and Vocaloid 5 is a huge step forward to creating a realistic singing voice for your computer. Of course, they're still very far from a human sounding voice (with enough tuning and playing around, however, you can nail that on your own) but they're making great progress and I can't wait to see what more they have in store for us in the future of the Vocaloid development.

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