Galaxia Androidia

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Some shameless self promotion here lol

So Galaxia is an UTAU created, designed and voiced by me. Galaxia is a female UTAU. She's based on the Android mascot. She was inspired by the fact that Macne Nana exists and how her whole thing is Apple based so I thought: Android vs. Apple. Why not? And so, she was created. I wanted to make an UTAU for a long time, actually, I just never knew how to until recently. A friend of mine (his channel is UtaJoule on YouTube) helped me out and yeah. She is currently a Japanese CV monopitch UTAU released September 2020. I plan to start making a CVVC Japanese multipitch for her this year. I haven't started recording for her yet because lack of time and motivation lol. But you can hear Galaxia's vb on my channel (channel is just simply called Angelica Bailey, I also do edits and shitposts on there)!

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