"Who was Jimin's boyfriend? Do I know him?" I asked. He smiled and nodded.


Yoongi Hyung and I had arrived home. After a while we heard the door being opened. It was Hoseok Hyung. He looked like he'd been crying. He seemed very... sad.

"Hobi, you good?" Yoongi Hyung asked Hoseok Hyung. He was blankly staring at the floor. I looked at Yoongi Hyung and he seemed very worried.

"Hyung. Are you okay?" I asked Hoseok Hyung. He slowly looked up at me. Yoongi went up to him and gave him a hug. Hoseok Hyung didn't say anything and just went into his room. Yoongi hyung followed right behind him. I wonder what had happened to Hoseok.

After a while Yoongi came out. I asked him what was wrong with Hoseok Hyung and he told me that one of his friends had died a while ago but he had only just found out now. I felt terribly sorry. He lost someone he cared about. I knew exactly how he felt. When I lost Jimin, I felt terrible. I wouldn't eat or do anything. I really hope Hoseok Hyung doesn't do what I did.

It was the next morning and Hoseok Hyung didn't seem as sad as yesterday. He did eat breakfast. He seemed to have started talking again. You could see he was still sad by the look of his face.


I still felt sad about the news but there was nothing I could have done to stop his death. Yugyeom didn't tell me who Jimins boyfriend was. He just said that he was someone we knew. But why didn't he want to tell me?!


"Yoongi Hyung?" Jungkook asked. I turned around and faced him. I raised an eyebrow and gave him a look that said "what do you want." He rolled his eyes and huffed.

"I'm not feeling well." He said. He seemed perfectly fine to me. Hobi put one of his hands on Jungkook's forehead and gave me a confused look.

"Jungkook, you don't have a fever." Hoseok told us while peeling an orange he grabbed from the fruit basket.

"I'm not sick. I'm just not feeling, like myself." Jungkook said looking down. Hoseok gave me a questioning look. I shrugged.

"Well what do you want us to do about it? It's not our fault if you're feeling good or not." I said bluntly. I didn't even realize the big mistake I did.

"Really? So you wouldn't care about what I do or how I feel?" Jungkook asked with a pained expression. I shook my head and Hoseok didn't say anything.

"Fine then. Then Im going to go kill myself." Jungkook said with a smile and stomped out the door. I started walking to my room.

"Yoongs... you're not going to go after him?" Hoseok asked me. I shook my head.

"Why would I?" I asked. Stupid me.

"Well he said he was going to kill himself. Shouldn't we go after him. What if he actually ends up killing himself?!" Hoseok asked all worried.

"Please Hoseok, he wouldn't actually kill-" Flashbacks started to take over. I LITERALLY MET HIM WHEN HE WAS GOING TO JUMP OFF A BUILDING!!

"Hoseok I'll be back!"

"You don't want me to go with you?" Hoseok asked grabbing his coat.

"No, no. You stay here." I said before zooming out of the house.


I went under a bridge. No I'm no troll!! Jeez. I kept thinking about Jimin today. I started to get memories about him and I. I guess I started to miss him. The bridge was near Yoongi and Hoseok hyung's house. I started throwing rocks into the water.

"Haven't seen you in a while."

I heard a voice from behind me say. I knew this voice all too well. I didn't want to turn around. I was too scared. He obviously knew I wasn't going to look at him so instead he moved in front of me.

"Where have you been all this time?"

"Where's that little boyfriend of yours?"

"What have you been up to?

"Did you miss me?"

Those were the questions he was asking. I didn't answer any of them. Scary memories took over my head.


Where did he go? I literally left the house 30 seconds after he did. Is he that fast.

"JUNGKOOK!" I called out.



It was Yoongi Hyung. I saw the guy in front of me smirk.

"Is that Jimin?" He asked. I pushed him away and started running up the hill. I saw Yoongi Hyung looking around. I ran up to him and gave him a big hug.

"Jungkook?" He asked. I told him to stay quiet.

From the corner of my eye I saw the guy leave. I sighed in relief before releasing Yoongi Hyung from our hug. He had the most confused expression ever. It was cute.

•The Guy•

"I see he's still with Jimin. That's not going to last for long."


Okay what just happend. Jungkook and I walked back to the house. Jungkook was very pale, did he see a ghost or something?

He didn't say anything the entire day and I didn't question him.
Chapter 18 DONE ✔️
DATE: 06/16/19
Sorry in advance because "the guy" is someone very unexpected. Don't hate me for this !!

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