Chapter Twenty-Two

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Chapter 22 

Wanting to get away from the house seeing that school was about to get out, Cameron had asked Scarlett and Levi if she could go on their hunt. They haven't asked her as the killings has been occurring near her home town.

 "It is still to early for you to go anywhere near you old town." Scarlett tried to explain. "I understand that but being that you all are telling that I am this Chosen One. That my destiny is to keep both worlds safe and secretive. Then I have all right to go."

 Biting her in the ass, Scarlett sees where Cameron was going. "Fine but if you must be careful." Then her eyes narrowed, "And no going to your old house to take a peek at your family."

 "It is hard for me to forget about my family as they are still living, but I came to term on letting them move on with their life's. I have no need to go see them." Jody on the other hand. Cameron grumbling. She had blocked her last comment off but knew she wouldn't even with her.

 Knowing that she was right, Scarlett agreed, "Alright. But you remember how to kill a feral vampire?" "I have to drain them." "You remember what you have to do afterwards?" Nodding this would be her first kill if she had to and the report and information she was handed shows to be.

 They have been playing cat and mouse ever since they had teleported to the last known location. By that night they caught up with the feral vampire in the town where Cameron was killed.

 They tracked him to the same dance hall. "We have to be careful." Scarlett told Cameron as they walked through the door. "It is a school night and there shouldn't be no one here that will recognize me." Cameron assured her.

 She wasn't really sure how could avoid run into someone she knew there or for that matter see her before she sees them.

 Paying their way in they spitted up to cover more ground. They blocked everyone out but each other. Levi headed down the right side of the building, Scarlett looked in the small rooms around the inside as well as upstairs while Cameron took the far wall.

 As Cameron slowly made her way down the crowded walk way, she looked up in the sets. Her eyes stopped on someone that was setting in the upper seats. There was something about him that caused her inter animals to stand guard and she knew that was him.

 She had to stay calm as her inter animals wanted to go up there and rip him from limb from limb. And at that moment, she knew that he was feral and had to be killed. "I found him." She told the others.

 "Keep your eyes on him. We are on our way." Scarlett told her but just then the feral felt her presence and took off without warning. "He's running!" "I see him." She heard Levi say.

 As Cameron was keeping her eyes on him, she didn't realize that she was moving through the crowd until something hit her. Looking down, she saw a guy on the ground giving her a funny and yet pissed off look.

 "I am so sorry." she told him with a weak smile as she tried to help him up. She was young and beautiful and yet very familiar as he couldn't put his finger on it. He was also surprised on when she hit him.

 He is a really muscular guy and it takes a hell of a lot more then a small framed girl to knock his ass to the ground. It felt like a cinderblock wall had hit him as that made him start to wonder as well.

 "It's alright." he assured her, "You could make it up with a dance." Trying to be as polite as she could as she tried to hurry past him, "I'm flattered really I am but I'm married." And without waiting for him to respond, she made it past him.

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