Cheering Magnus Up

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"You know, I could use a break anyway, I'm in a mood for a party." Said Jace as he smiles.

"You know a party might help cheer Magnus, besides you know how he is, when he is a warlock, he would like a great party to clear his head." Said Alec as he smiles.

"Great, I'll call Simon to see if he can play a song for the party." Said Clary as she smiles.

"And I'll call Raphael and Maia to see if they want to help as well." Said Izzy as she smiles.

"Well, I'm gonna go and train, and then I'll see you guys at the party." Said Jace as he smiles.

So they all started to go to their separate ways, but then Alec have stop at the entrance of the Institute and started to think about Magnus and is still worried about him, and then Clary have started to look at him and goes to him if he's okay.

"Alec, are you okay?" Asked Clary as she looks at Alec.

"I'm just really worried about Magnus, I mean he always tells me what's wrong with him, but now ever since this body, I notice that he hasn't been himself lately." Said Alec as he look really worried." And I know for a fact that he hasn't been sleeping well."

"How can you tell Alec?" Asked Clary as she looks at Alec.

"Because for the past five days, I always woke up alone from the bed, and I can see that Magnus can get really tired and now what Valentine did to him, it's gotten even worse." Said Alec as he look at Clary." I really wanted to help Magnus because I love him so much, but I can't if he won't tell me what's wrong, and I really don't know what to do."

That got Clary to look at Alec and saw how much he is really worried for Magnus, then she have got an idea to know what's wrong with Magnus so that Alec can help him.

"Alec, I think I may have an idea on how we can help Magnus and maybe get him to tell us what's been bothering him." Said Clary as she looks at Alec.

That got Alec to get curious about hearing Clary's idea and that he really wanted to help Magnus whatever it takes. A few hours later at Magnus's loft, Magnus is sitting at his chair with a glass at in his hand, looking really upset.

He was still thinking about what Valentine almost did to him, which got him even more terrified than ever since the body switch, and now he was still thinking about his dark past about his mother and stepfather.

Magnus still doesn't know if he was going to tell Alec about his past, but he was still worried about how will he react if he tells him, but he didn't was that the door of his loft have open, and then Clary have started to enter his loft.

"Magnus?" Said Clary trying to Magnus attention." Magnus."

"Well, hello, I was just about to make myself a drink." Said Magnus as he smiles." Want one biscuit?"

"No thank you Magnus." Said Clary as she looks at Magnus." The Clave have contacted us afger we restrained Valentine, they say that we're transporting Valentine to Idris in two days."

"Even more reason. . . We can toast to Valentine's highly anticipated departure." Said Magnus as he pours himself a drink." I bet you guys are happy."

"Magnus, you know that Alec really loves you, and he knows something's wrong, in fact we all know something is wrong." Said Clary as she looks at Magnus." Whatever it is, you know Alec is here for you, I'm here for you."

"I really appreciate it biscuit." Said Magnus as he smiles." But I'm fine."

"No, you're not Magnus, I'm sorry, but I'm not gonna leave until you talk about what's wrong with you." Said Clary as she looks at Magnus." Please Magnus, you were always there for me when I had problems, not it's our turn, and I promise I will listen, especially Alec and you know how much he cares about and he is very worried."

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