Malfunction (Part 2) 💖Fluff - Angst💖

Start from the beginning

You ran to your home, taking out the pill and staring at it. It looked like a normal Wintergreen tic tac, yet it gave you a weird feeling in your chest.

Maybe I shouldn't take it...

You sighed, and put the pill in your mouth, downing the Mountain Dew with it.

You didn't feel any different.

"Target male inaccessible."

"HOLY FUCK!!" You screamed, and held your head.

You fell to the ground, and you felt everything come back to you. You heard talking, but the pain was so horrible you couldn't make out what it was saying.

Eventually, the pain stopped and you laid on the floor panting. You remembered everything now. You remembered what happened, before the Mountain Dew deep red. During the time you were with Jeremy and Eric.

I don't think it's actually that painful... I think it was worse since my memories were coming

"Discomfort level may increase"


You couldn't put together any thoughts, as the pain filled you once again. But just as soon as it came, it left.

"Welcome to your Super Quantum Unit Intel Processor.

Your Squi- (Y/N)?!! HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!"

You jumped up, turning around and seeing a familiar face.


"(Y/N) YOU'RE ALIVE?!!!"

Fear immediately filled you, and you fell back onto your bed. You studied him.

His hands covered his mouth, and it looked like he was about to cry, his hair was messy, and his eyes held a look of surprise and sadness. His eyes widened, as he realized something.

"...Are you afraid of me...?"

You looked away, and nodded. His eyes felt with hurt.

"So uh... What... What happened after you uh......" He had a hard time saying it.

"Oh uh.. I lost my memory, and ended up here."

"Why did you... Get a Squip...?"

"My friend found it, and asked if I could take it and test it.."

"Well uh..." He looked very uncomfortable.

"Oh god, (y/n).. I'm gonna be honest.. Despite the fact I'm a supercomputer, i fucking missed you, a-and I got r-really d-depressed once you..." You noticed tears falling down his face. "Once you fucking deleted yourself!!!"

He fell to his knees, and you immediately felt bad. But that feeling didn't last, as you remembered how he treated you. For years, He treated you like you were garbage, or that you just didn't exist at all.

"You should have thought about how I felt, Eric!! How terrible you made me feel! You were my best friend, and they only person who actually cared, and then you just... Started ignoring me!"

"(y/n) I'm sorry! I didn't know what to do! How to react!"

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?! You didn't know how to treat me anymore?! Didn't know how to... How to be my best friend anymore..?" Your voice cracked, and Eric walked over to you, and wrapped you in a hug.


"The truth is..." He sighed.

"The day I went out to that person... She asked if I... If I could love. I said " No" And she said "everyone can love.." And I realized.. I c-could love... A-and i-i realized... I loved you... A-and I didn't know how to process t-the feelings, and I got scared, and I couldn't.. I couldn't talk to you without freaking out... And I was an asshole to you because I thought that after I ignored you for so long, you'd.. You'd hate me.."

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