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Lars and Raven are getting in Azazel's Chamber. That room where in particular so large, the flooring seems to have some sort of an ancient, geometric depiction of Azazel himself with noticeably large eyes. There is blue smog on the back area of the ground and also blue tints of lights illuminating stage overall.

Lars and Raven try to find Azazel but nothing. Suddenly, Lars feel something from another where.

Lars: "Something feels off"

Raven: "I don't like this. Be ready. Anything could happen next"

Lars: "You too"

But then, several monsters are attacking them. The monster with human form and have demonic body also wings called Gargoyle come as a guardian of Azazel.

Lars: "Gargoyle? How the hell they come here?"

Raven: "It must be something that doing by anyone"

Lars: "Nevermind! The important is kill all of them and find Azazel"

Raven: "Be careful! The legend said they are immortal and they can't kill except take them to outside"

Lars: "But we have no time for this. And then let's break the legend and proof it!"

Lars and Raven start to fight all of Gargoyle in the room. They find hardness when fight that monster because they always fly away over them. Lars almost frustrased and try to jump and catch one of them and punch it until one of Gargoyle destroyed by Lars. Lars see the body of Gargoyle is from statue or stone.

Lars: "I knew it. So they're made from statue. Just like I see in (Y/N)'s room"

Raven: "So that's mean they are also from the Mishima Zaibatsu?"

Lars: "No they are not. These design are different than at Mishima Zaibatsu"

Raven: "I see"

Raven pull out the chains and wrap them to the down and crash them like a gravel. All of Gargoyle's has been defeated by Lars and Raven. Then they heard a roar from above and see from ceiling The Rectifier Azazel has come.

Lars: "So you're Azazel"

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Lars: "So you're Azazel"

Azazel: "The very same. Fear me for I am known as the Rectifier of All Things"

Lars: "Rectifier? Does that mean you're the source of all these disasters?!"

Azazel: "Yes. Mankind bound me thinking they could escape subjugation. Willfully and selfishly, they have reduced the world to tatters! Now the sinners must atone"

Lars: "You're nothing more than a monster with a god complex! You're finished!"

Raven: "Be careful! I see he has weakness nothing"

Lars: "You know, every creature must have the weakness include him. Don't worry. I'll handle this"

Raven:"...............All right"

Raven leave Lars alone fight against Azazel. Azazel doing roar infront of Lars while Lars prepare his stance although he know his size is not same equal as Azazel. Lars run into Azazel and jump toward him. Azazel wipe Lars easily until Lars jumped away. Lars didn't give up and try to attack again. Azazel use his tail to wipe around him include Lars. Lars fall down and Azazel plunge himself to Lars. Luckily Lars can avoid from the ancient creature.

Azazel stomp the ground and suddenly the trisula motives are out from the ground and attacking Lars. Lars surprised and try to avoid them because it comes unpredictecally. So Lars run toward a trisula near Azazel and climb it on to the top. After that, Lars jump toward Azazel while doing punch but Azazel summon several bats to him and make Lars fall down into all of trisula. Raven quickly get Lars and avoid that area.

Lars: "Thank you"

Raven: "We must find the weakness!"

Lars: "I'll try! Keep this going!"

Lars and Raven are starting to find the weakness of Azazel. Lars still observate him while Raven try to attack him with kunai or shuriken in the point of his body. Then Azazel unleash laser beam onto them. Luckily they can avoid it. When Raven throws shuriken to Azazel's head, Lars see Azazel always step back after attacked. Lars have an idea and tell to Raven about his plan.

Lars: "I have a plan! Distract Azazel while I'm getting close to him!"

Raven: "All right"

Azazel: "You can't stop me, human!"

Raven doing Lars plan and distract Azazel as a plan of Lars. Lars run toward his tail and climb it to his body. When Azazel turn around, Raven attack him again so he just focused on Raven without notice that Lars on top of him. Lars charge his fist until unleash the purple lightning then he shout and punch right in Azazel's head

Lars: "Die you, Azazel! Zeus!"

Azazel: "AAAARRGGHH!!"

(A/N: Stop the music)

Azazel hitted and suddenly kneeling after get attacked by Lars. Lars turn down and step away from Azazel. But suddenly, Azazel's body make an crack and unleash shine a bit until Lars must close his eyes because too bright.

Lars: "Nice knowing you"

Azazel: "Why do you all struggle? It is your destiny"

Lars: "Our destiny is to be destroyed? Screw that! I'll be damned if I let a monster like you decide my future for me!"

Azazel: "It is precisely that arrogance that brought you to this"

Lars: "That's not for you to decide!"

Azazel: "No matter how much you resist, you cannot defy fate. The punishment for your sins will now begin!"

From his chest, Azazel unleash all of power until unleash aura who make Lars can't see because too bright. Azazel screams out and suddenly gone and chamber back to dark again.

Raven: "It's over"

Lars: "Not yet"

Raven: "You mean (Y/N) Kazama?"

Lars: "Yeah"

They get out from the chamber and suddenly they feel the tremble from the temple.

Lars: "This isn't good"

Raven: "Yeah. I think the entire place is about to collapse"

Lars: "We need to hurry!"

They run to find escape way until then they can get out and save while the temple is destroyed. After that, Lars sees (Y/N) who already waiting him. Lars walk toward (Y/N) who stand up infront of the ruin of temple. And they crossed his arms each other.

(Y/N): "About time"

Lars: "You're all that's left"

Lars doing some preparing before fight against (Y/N) so was (Y/N) who also did it. When Lars ready to punch him, Alisa come suddenly and hold Lars's attack. Lars surprised because Alisa back again.

Alisa: "Eradicating target"

Alisa use chainsaw from her arms and attack Lars. Lars avoid it and rolled over away from her. But Alisa keep going to attack Lars until make he fall down. Raven come and want to defeat Alisa but Lars stop him because have no concern about Alisa.

Lars: "No. Let me handle this. Alisa, you really don't know who I am?"

Alisa: "You are an enemy. Eradicating"

Lars: "Damn!"


Devil Within 3: Rebellion Campaign (Male Reader x Senran Kagura)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن