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Lars calls Tougou by phone to ask about an epitaph who found by Heihachi in Central America.

Tougou: "What is it?"

Lars: "Have you heard anything about an epitaph Heihachi Mishima found in Mexico?"

Tougou: "I heard a while ago. They sent a team down to investigate some ruins and got nothing back but body bags"

Lars: "Whatever it says might tell us what the Zaibatsu is up to"

Tougou: "Interesting. I'll do some research. If I find anything. I'll let you know"

Lars: "Thanks"

Tougou: "One thing! I also heard that the blood of ancient creature for experiment and used to ninja girls for killing machine and his bodyguard. I guess you must go to them for more information while I'll do this but you must try hard. They certainly will not accept anyone to get information due they are ninja"

Lars: "I see...All right, thanks again"

Alisa: "I performed my own search on the Mishima Zaibatsu database. There was a record about a Tekken Force unit sent to investigate those ruins but no mention of any epitaph or inscription"

Lars: "No luck, huh? Then let's wait and see what Tougou comes up with. Anyway, do you know about those ninja girls used by the blood of ancient creature?"

Alisa: "Yes. I know about them"

Lars: "Then, we must go to them. Do you know the place?"

Alisa: "They live at far from this city and difficult to access by the car"

Lars: "I see...lucky I have you, Alisa. Let's go!"

Alisa: "Yes"


Lars and Alisa arrived at the place where Alisa said. Lars parked his car away from mansion because the route was very difficult. After that, they get out from the car and start walking. Then, they arrive infront of Gessen Mansion.

Lars: "So this is the place where ninja girls lives?"

Alisa: "Yes. Based on database this is the place where five girls live. This place also used to be school of ninja. It called Gessen Girls Academy. Based on history The Academy was established during the Azuchi-Momoyama Period, so the students' families have all amassed immense wealth over the generations. As such, the facilities are particularly high-class, with an immaculate Japanese-style garden situated between the buildings"

Lars: "I can see from outside the building"

Suddenly, Alisa detect enemies around Gessen. But Alisa can't find them. Alisa ask Lars to stay alert.

Alisa: "Enemies detected. Gessen Girls approaching!"

What Alisa said true, three girls of Gessen come and preparing their weapons. The masked girl ask for them about purpose to come here.

Lars: "Are you ninja from Gessen?"

Murakumo: "It's not of your business! The important is who are you?"

Lars: "I'm Lars and this Alisa. We come here not to fight but talk with you about blood of ancient creature"

Murakumo: "I see. But I must test your strength. I can't accept just anyone here"

Lars: "Maybe I'm little bit understand about ninja way"

Devil Within 3: Rebellion Campaign (Male Reader x Senran Kagura)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ