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Lars and Alisa run through the basement at Mishima Zaibatsu to avoid the attack from Tekken Force due it just them in the troops of Rebel Army.

Alisa: "Why we must run at the basement?"

Lars: "Because this place has no guard from Tekken Force"

But suddenly, a gigantic robot block their way. It is NANCY-MI847J or can be said 'Bloody Nancy'. The giant robot was designed and created by Mishima Industries with the strong, sturdy armor and lustrous weaponly.

Lars: "Talk about your warm welcomes, (Y/N)? Alisa!"

Alisa: "Ready!"

NANCY walk toward them and lift the big arm to slam them. When Lars and Alisa are ready for attack, suddenly Raven come and slamming the NANCY's arm. The robot doing some attack to Raven but he quickly move behind it and hold the head and slamming to make the robot fall down.

Lars: "Who are you?"

Raven: "I'll handle this!"

Lars: "Alone? Are you crazy?"

NANCY soon get up and launch the punch to Raven. Raven try to hold the attack and ask Lars and Alisa to go away.

Raven: "You have a greater purpose. Go!"

Lars just stand up and can't do anything. But then, Lars nodded and continue with Alisa and leaving Raven who struggle against NANCY. After that, NANCY using machine gun and shoot Raven. He jump over it and slash the arm of NANCY until broken.

Raven: "Now it's just you and me, baby"


All of Youma who lead by Miki start to attack shinobi group who lead by Miyabi. Both of them show their strength although youma are collaps. But Miki can revive youma and still attack them.

Miyabi still busy to kill the youma. Seems her eyes full of vengeance and full of rage. About fifteen youma who died by Miyabi. Then Miyabi stop it and turn around to see Miki has already behind her.

Miki: "I admit it you are so impressive as well~"

Miyabi: "Hmph! I will never accept your compliment! I will kill you like I kill your youma!"

Miki: "Fufufu~ Is that so? Now let us you know, who killed your mother?"

Miyabi: "Of course youma!"

Miki: "And did you know who told youma to do that?"

Miyabi: "Wha—what do you mean?"

Miki: "Don't you remember~? Who is the children were attack by youma?"

Miyabi: "Is....Is"

Miki: "Exactly!"

Miyabi: "So that means...."

Miki: "Fufufu~ I just pretend was attacked by youma just make show your mother because your mother was our target"

After hearing that, Miyabi is very shock. Her body is tremble and can't say anything because she remember the incident that make her mother die because Miki. She clenched her sword tightly and black aura appear her rage can't control so she immediately attack Miki with shout.

Devil Within 3: Rebellion Campaign (Male Reader x Senran Kagura)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें