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Hyoki with Senki Shu start to find their target, Lars. During the trip, Hyoki seems thinking something, that makes Maki worried and decided to talk with her.

Maki: "Hyoki-san....are you....allright?"

Hyoki: "Huh? I'm okay"

Maki: "But you seems....thinking something....about what?"

After hearing it, Hyoki decided to stop followed by other. Hyoki start to explain what she think.

Hyoki: "Everyone...did you still remember when (Y/N) attack our temporary headquarters?"

All: "Yes?"

Hyoki: "Actually, I don't know why (Y/N) ask for our help. But he guaranteed us for attack several places whatever we want with my youma"

Miki: "Maybe there is something behind why (Y/N) did it"

Hyoki: "Yeah....maybe..."


(Y/N) and Nina are going to somewhere with their vehicle. After several minutes, they arrived at the kind of old temple.

Nina: "Are you sure this is the place like what you said?"

(Y/N): "Of course"

Nina: "Looks like the temple bit an old"

(Y/N): "This is just their temporary headquarters when they want to do something in Earth"

Nina: "So does that mean....."

(Y/N): "Yes....the headquarters is in another dimension"

Nina: "I see..."

(Y/N): "C'mon! we have no time"


Reki: "Hyoki! There are intruders who attack our base!"

Hyoki: "What!? We must hurry up!"

(Y/N): "Don't waste your sweat to do something"

(Y/N) bursting the door with using Demon's Paw. Hyoki and Reki surprised because nobody else who known about her base. Behind (Y/N), Miki looks collapsed with her puppets cause from the fights against (Y/N). (Y/N) walks slowly to Hyoki who sit on her throne.

(Y/N): "So you are the leader of Senki Shu who can summoned a creature named youma, Hyoki"

Hyoki: " do you know about me? Who the hell are you!?"

(Y/N): "I'll tell you, if you want to work with me"

Hyoki: "Huh!? Work with you!? Hahahahahahaha!!"

Nina: "That girl annoyed me"

Hyoki: "Hahahaha....if you want to work with me, then you must win against my friends. Yuki! Reki! Attack him!"

Nina wants to help (Y/N) but (Y/N) didn't want she involve his business. So (Y/N) doing himself. Yuki attack (Y/N) first. She swing her flails to (Y/N) but (Y/N) can duck it and immediately doing EWHF. Yuki hitted and collapsed. Suddenly Reki comes and hold (Y/N)'s head.

Reki: "Don't worry, sweetheart. Just relax~"

Her eyes start glowing and summon a barrier around them. (Y/N) feel dizzy and Reki start to brainwash him. But (Y/N) use devil aura and vanish all of barrier. Reki shock and (Y/N) immediately punch her until collaps.

After that, (Y/N) leaped towards Hyoki but when he close to her, he stop infront of Hyoki.

Hyoki: "Oh oh...looks like karate boy didn't want to hurt me"

Devil Within 3: Rebellion Campaign (Male Reader x Senran Kagura)Where stories live. Discover now