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In morning, four leaders of shinobi invited to Zodiac Palace to discuss about the war who started by (Y/N) Kazama. After arrived, they amazed about the majestic school like a castle.

Asuka: "Whoa! This building is so luxury!"

Yumi: "And sparkling"

Homura: "Is this really shinobi school?"

Miyabi: "I think so"

Then, a member of Zodiac comes to them. She bows and then introduce herself to them.

Kurohoro: "Welcome to Zodiac Guiding Star Association. Thank you for coming here. I'm Kurohoro, a member of Zodiac Guiding Star. Leo-sama is waiting for you in her room. This way"

Kurohoro led them to the room. After arrived, she open the door and Leo is there already with 5 cups of tea that already in the table. They amazed again about the serve. They come in and Kurohoro close the door so just Leo with four leaders.

 They come in and Kurohoro close the door so just Leo with four leaders

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Leo: "Good Morning, everyone. Thank you for attending this meeting. Here, sit down and drink tea first"

All of them sit down and drink a cup of tea. After that Leo start the discuss.

Leo: "I know you all have heard this nowadays, right?"

Miyabi: "Yeah. We heard that (Y/N) Kazama declared war against world. And he's already did it"

Asuka: "But, when he start the war. I see all of youmas also attack this city"

Leo: "This is what I want to talk. Do you know who else behind this?"

Everyone just shook their head. Leo shows the pictures at North Pole and during the war. They look surprised after see it.

Homura: "No way!"

Yumi: "It can't be...."

Leo: "Yes...the person who behind youma's attack is my sister, Hyoki"

Asuka: "So that means....."

Miyabi: "Senki Shu work with Mishima Zaibatsu"

Leo: "...........I think so"

Yumi: "No way! Why (Y/N) must work with them! Actually, what is real purpose!?"

Homura: "Yumi, calm down"

Miyabi: "So Leo, what is your purpose to gathered us?"

Leo: "My purpose gather you is helping me to stop my sister!"

After hear what Leo's purpose. All of them just silent and suddenly the laugh come from Miyabi until make all of them confused include Leo.

Leo: "Is there something funny?"

Miyabi: "Hahaha...yes....why should I work wih you if you just stop your sister? Why don't you kill her?"

Leo: "What did you said?"

Devil Within 3: Rebellion Campaign (Male Reader x Senran Kagura)Where stories live. Discover now