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His hand squeezed mine tight, voice vaguely making a sound to my ears. I clenched my jaw as the pain rushed through me, small gasps leaving my mouth; the constant sound ringing through my head driving me absolutely insane.

"She has to go now."A sharp tone demanded.

"It's too early, they said another couple of weeks; her friends are out there confused. WE NEED TIME."Tristan's voice yelled back.

"W..w-e h..v..e ad' p-plenty, T-ris."I managed not knowing how much of that they took.

As my eyes wondered around the dark room, Tristan's watery eyes widened. His hand squeezing tighter.

"NO!"He spat, making me jump a little.


I took a sharp breath, leaning my head back. Seeing two figures leaning up the window.

"I-m so sor-"

Then it was black.

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