Chapter 9: Less and More Confusion

Start from the beginning

"Everyone has their own room, er, flower to stay in," she adds.  "That... that still feels really weird to say, even after all these years."

"Wait, so where's yours?" I ask, curious.

"Oh- over there," Serena answers, pointing to a rather large flower that peaks above all the others.  Makes sense, considering she's the ruler of all the fairies.  "And the larger ones near the ground are all common areas- like we have dining areas, all sorts of entertainment, and even a theatre."

"Wow, that's a lot," I say, intrigued.  "So, at this theatre, you have performances?"

She nods.  "Even I perform there sometimes.  However, our battle arena is slightly more popular than-"

"Hold up.  You guys have Pokemon battles!?" I exclaim, then realize that I interrupted Serena.  "Oh, uh, sorry for interrupting..."

Serena waves it off with a smile.  "Yeah, well, they're slightly different here, since everyone's Pokemon are connected to their souls.  It's a little complicated, but that's why everyone's Pokemon look like they're made out of mist- we call them our Mist Pokemon."

"Heliux mentioned that," I say, though I still I feel a bit puzzled.  "So, if they're connected to your soul, isn't battling dangerous then?" The situation reminds me of how I took damage when I was bonded with Greninja with our Bond Phenomenon.  

"Actually, it's the opposite.  Mist Pokemon are protected by our souls, so both the fairy and their Pokemon are protected.  They can still be hurt, due to the battle, but it stops them from getting really bad injuries."

"Wait, so where's yours?" I ask, as I see no Pokemon with Serena right now.  "It's Sylveon, right?"

She nods her head up and down.  "Sylveon is resting," she tells me, pointing to her Necklace.  "She'll be out soon."

I just simply nod, feeling a little confused but more determined than ever to learn the truth about these Necklaces and other fairy practices.  "Where are we heading to?"

"The theatre," she replies.  "I think a lot of your friends will be there."  She doesn't say why, but I assume it was for some fairy-thing that I don't know about nor understand just yet.  Boy, I've got a lot to catch up on...

"Cool!" I smile.  I follow Serena in silence for a bit, my head turned towards the sky.  The trees create a beautiful canopy of greens above our heads, the sunlight coming in through the leaves to form dappled speckles on the ground.  It isn't long before we arrived at the theatre, which is located slightly outside of the main area.  Before I can set my eyes on the theatre and what it looks like, two hands promptly cover my eyes.

"Hey, what gives!?" I protest.

"Serena, why'd you bring him here!?" A girl's voice whines- it sounds like Misty.  "He can't see this until tomorrow!"

"He wanted to say hi to you all," Serena's voice says from beside me.

"Ah, okay, fine.  I guess we can take a little break." I get turned around, and Misty removes her hands from my face.  "Don't you dare turn around, or you'll regret it."

"Misty, don't threaten him," comes another voice- it sounds like Dawn's.  "That wasn't very nice."

"Hmph.  Whatever."

"Oh come on, stop with that," says Serena, and I can hear her laugh.  "You sound like Heliux, Misty."

Misty spews out some nonsense as Serena leads me out of the clearing; everyone else catches up with us after a short while.  I have no idea where we are going, but when we arrive there I can tell it's one of those dining areas Serena mentioned earlier.  A green-haired fairy greets us, her long hair tied up in two pony-tails.  All of us sit down at a table, and Serena orders smoothies for all of us.  "Thanks Mallow!" she adds to the fairy as she turns to go and make the drinks.  In response, the green-haired fairy just smiles.

The Fairy's Cure: FD 1 (Amourshipping) ||Complete||Where stories live. Discover now